Is Ghostbusters seen as Rap or Punk Rock

by BigMac

18 years, 6 months ago

Is Ghostbusters seen more as a “Rap” or a “Punk Rock” Thing? In other words do people think a person who is a fan of Ghostbusters most likely listens to “Rap” music or “Punk Rock”?

by GBexpert.

18 years, 6 months ago

I am a ghostbusters fan and I listen to Classical music and some music
from the 40's to 80's mostly big band.

by JerseyDevil

18 years, 6 months ago

I don't exclusively fit into those 2 camps. I like songs regardless of its genre. I'm all over the musical map.

by blutoblutarsky1

18 years, 6 months ago

I don't listen to either. I pretty much only listen to stuff from before 1960 (big band, swing, lounge, etc.) and blues. I can't stand rap or punk.

by Egons_girlfriend24

18 years, 6 months ago

I enjoy all types of music. More into the 60s,70s,80s.


by misfit1

18 years, 6 months ago

while i'm obviously a hardcore punker, I dont think you can really catogorise people based on a movie, unless the movie is about rap or punk music.

by BigMac

18 years, 6 months ago

I just hate how sometimes I’ll be on ebay and someone will say in the listing that their Ghostbusters item goes with Punk/Emo/Gothic.

I really do think people are beginning to stereotype GB fans as Punk Rock.

Just like most of you here I listen to music from the past but between Rap and Punk I must say I prefer Rap.

by Courage

18 years, 6 months ago

Ghostbusters at the time was accociated with Soul music and has no real association otherwise. Although i have seen some GREAT ska punk covers of the ghostbusters song as well as rap remixes. In my mind I assocaite it with New Wave for some reason, I dunno why.

But seriously that's like saying orange soda is “punk” just cause Minor threat likes it.

Some things are just good and have no correlation with unrelated genres.

Although on the commentary on the DVD They make fun of Harold Ramis' haircut saying it started a punk hair fad in the 80s.

by BigMac

18 years, 6 months ago

that's like saying orange soda is “punk” just cause Minor threat likes it.
Good point (*peter)

by misfit1

18 years, 6 months ago

I just hate how sometimes I’ll be on ebay and someone will say in the listing that their Ghostbusters item goes with Punk/Emo/Gothic.

Yeah, it's kinda the popular franchise for the scene kid/hot topic drone to be seen about in. Hence the ebay description