Is Ghostbusters seen as Rap or Punk Rock

by BigMac

18 years, 6 months ago

I’ve never been in a hot topic store before (and never will) but they sell Ghostbusters merchandise there?

by Gh0stbuster

18 years, 6 months ago

Is Ghostbusters seen more as a “Rap” or a “Punk Rock” Thing?

What has this to do with GB.
If you just see the GB logo you think about the 80's.
Nothing more.

by fomeboy

18 years, 6 months ago

Is Ghostbusters seen more as a “Rap” or a “Punk Rock” Thing?

What has this to do with GB.
If you just see the GB logo you think about the 80's.
Nothing more.

I agree with you… GB is a 80's thing… not a rap or punk trend… but, when it comes to clothing, I do see more losers/geeks/punks (like me) wearing GB stuff rather than macho type gangstas… back in high school rappers boys always used to make fun of my GB-shirts by saying that they were cheap clothes compared to their Tommy bullsh*t… oh well lol…

I’ve never been in a hot topic store before (and never will) but they sell Ghostbusters merchandise there?

they used to have 12 different clothing a few years ago… 9 different t-shirts (white no-ghost logo, 2 different grey no-ghost logo, green no-ghost logo, grey Ecto-1, black glow-in-the-dark Slimer, white Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, white Terror Dog and a black no-ghost logo for woman), 1 white hoodie with the no-ghost logo on the front, 1 light brown work shirt with a small no-ghost logo on the left chest and a big one in the back and also wrist bands… they all ended up on sale from $1.99 to $3.99 each, sold-out and now are re-sold on eBay at incredible crazy prices…

by BigMac

18 years, 6 months ago

So I guess Ghostbusters is an 80’s thing which being 2006 and all that makes it… While nothing much in today’s world :-(

But I must say that my High School is filled with “posers” (not really Rappers) but people I know that are real rap fans think Ghostbusters is cool. They of course don’t wear Ghostbusters shirts but they still like Ghostbusters.

by fomeboy

18 years, 6 months ago

yeah they won't wear those… they only wear nike, fubu, tommy…

by slimer3881

18 years, 6 months ago

i'd say Punk. not that the movie IS punk. but its cult status aims toward alot of punk kids. me, im into lots of 70s punk and New Wave. not a big fan of the shit thats out now, but thats beside the point, but i dont think you can base the musical preference of a fanbase to a movie. but still.

by Ectofiend

18 years, 5 months ago

I agree with you… GB is a 80's thing… not a rap or punk trend

*I'm sorry to say that for some people “punk” is NOT a “trend” as you put it…I've been a life-long punk, this is who I am and have been for two decades, and have to no plans to change now at 27 (*peter) …

*Now as for “rap”, that's ALWAYS been a genre that's relyed on “catch-phrases”, “trends”, and what not…“Undergorund hip-hop/rap” aside, most of that crap is a horrible joke layed upon the laps of homogonized America …Not saying that some of the early stuff isn't good for a spin or two :p …But even that stuff is quite laughable…Screw all this “bling-bling/mami-papi/cash-money-hoes” crap…

*Now as for “do I consider this movie either of the above”, I agree with him:

i'd say Punk. not that the movie IS punk.

*Now where I'd disagree with him is that I've ALWAYS believed that the movie adhered to a VERY “punk rock/DIY” eithic - As in they bucked the system, and did it by themselves, their own way“…However having said that they WERE ”capitalists“, and that is decidedly ”anti-punk" in reasoning…But then again, as many times as they ran into scurmishes with the city, and the money they shelled out to said government establishment, and barely scraped by alot of times, monetarily speaking , so by that trian of thought, they were very “working class/blue-collar” and I can deal with that :-) …“Anit-heroes” the lot of them (*peter) …

*But then again this is all conjecture, as these are just opinions (*ray) …
