nope I dont think I can do any better than 88mph all im saying is, I dont think its going to fly, its not the right Idea to start the GB revival with, and you know what? maybe nothing is the right thing to start a revival off with, maybe the ghostbusters franchise should be left alone and stand proud in all its glory as the best (in my opinion) movie of all time with a follow up movie that wasnt that bad either, why do we need a revival? I mean ghostbusters is now an official cult classic and were the cult my friends the true the proud (the few) GHOSTHEADS! and unfortunantly for 88whatever the comic is going to flop because we GHOSTHEADS are the only people who are going to buy it, and maybe some comic collector nerds. its sad but true, maybe ghostbusters was never ment to be a pop sensation again, and im fine with that I dont care if no one else in the world likes ghostbusters but me, all I need to know is I like it I enjoy the movies and RGB cartoons and thats good enough for me, We dont need to introduce ghostbuters to the next snotty nose generation who probably would like/understand/appreciate it like we do sorry thats just the way I feel chief.