Is it time to release all the pre-order DLC?

by OptimusFord

13 years, 8 months ago

Many times pre-order DLC is released for a price after the game has been released. I would pay to have the Mayor, Golden Proton Pack, and the Ghostbuster 2 Flight Suit. I have the GB2 flight suit on my PS3 but I sold that copy to a friend and picked it up on the 360. What do you guys think?yikes

by doctorvenkman1

13 years, 8 months ago

Many times pre-order DLC is released for a price after the game has been released. I would pay to have the Mayor, Golden Proton Pack, and the Ghostbuster 2 Flight Suit. I have the GB2 flight suit on my PS3 but I sold that copy to a friend and picked it up on the 360. What do you guys think?yikes

I tend to agree. I think it would be nice to be able to download all of those things, even though I don't play as often as I used to. It would be fun to be able to change it up a bit.

by mrpecker2

13 years, 8 months ago

While I would like to get these things, I doubt they'll ever do it for GBTVG. It didn't exactly set the world on fire like Call of Duty or Halo, so it's probably long since been forgotten about by the developers and distributors.

by doctorvenkman1

13 years, 8 months ago

mr pecker;171665
While I would like to get these things, I doubt they'll ever do it for GBTVG. It didn't exactly set the world on fire like Call of Duty or Halo, so it's probably long since been forgotten about by the developers and distributors.

Definitely… which is very unfortunate. They should have released some of the levels too as DLC. The Gozer Temple and Van Horne levels looked amazing.

by OptimusFord

13 years, 8 months ago

Dr.Venkman at least we agree on something lol.

I saw something on Attack of the Show but only caught the end of the text rolling on the bottom but it was had something to do with new DLC for Left 4 Dead 2. L4D2 is in today's gaming world an old game. If the can continue to release and make DLC for it there is no reason they can't release stuff that is already in the game and finish a few levels that didn't make it into the game for whatever reason.

by doctorvenkman1

13 years, 8 months ago

Dr.Venkman at least we agree on something lol.

I saw something on Attack of the Show but only caught the end of the text rolling on the bottom but it was had something to do with new DLC for Left 4 Dead 2. L4D2 is in today's gaming world an old game. If the can continue to release and make DLC for it there is no reason they can't release stuff that is already in the game and finish a few levels that didn't make it into the game for whatever reason.

Hey, it was bound to happen sooner or later!

I think in terms of Left for Dead 2 (and this is just a guess), but it probably had better sales numbers than Ghostbusters, or better continued sales numbers (in the months after release where people continued to buy). I know we all love Ghostbusters, and I know it did well enough, but I'm not sure that Sony or Atari or whoever makes this decision views it as a financially viable opportunity where they could make a lot more money by releasing any DLC, and unfortunately, that's all that matters to them. They don't owe us anything, despite the fact that we sometimes like to think they do.

by OptimusFord

13 years, 8 months ago

I don't know what it costs to sell DLC but with all the indie games that sell for 80 msp, you'd think they'd make a little money selling a bundle for say 160-320 msp. Since the Mayor, Ghoul, Gold Proton Pack and GB2 flight suit was already in the game it's not like they would actully have to add anything. As far as the levels go idk how far they were finshed. It could be something worth doing or it might be idk.

Plus look at the DLC for SoS, that was the most pointless DLC I've ever seen.

by JonathanArcher

13 years, 7 months ago

Many times pre-order DLC is released for a price after the game has been released. I would pay to have the Mayor, Golden Proton Pack, and the Ghostbuster 2 Flight Suit. I have the GB2 flight suit on my PS3 but I sold that copy to a friend and picked it up on the 360. What do you guys think?yikes

Your avatar makes me lol. That's what would happen if the Ultimate Warrior was a Ghostbuster.

Anyways, yes I say, all other games eventually do it, so why not Ghostbusters?

by skankerzero

13 years, 6 months ago

I don't know what it costs to sell DLC but with all the indie games that sell for 80 msp, you'd think they'd make a little money selling a bundle for say 160-320 msp. Since the Mayor, Ghoul, Gold Proton Pack and GB2 flight suit was already in the game it's not like they would actully have to add anything. As far as the levels go idk how far they were finshed. It could be something worth doing or it might be idk.

Plus look at the DLC for SoS, that was the most pointless DLC I've ever seen.

Well, they would have to hire someone to make the ‘unlock patch’. Then they would have to hire someone to test the downloads.
Plus, I think they have to pay a fee to put the patch up on the servers.
It's not completely ‘free’.

L4D2 was designed to receive DLC from the beginning and for years to come. It continues to have an active online community across all platforms. Releasing DLC for it is still a financial gain for them.

Ghostbusters TVG was designed to be what it was. The parade level was taken out early in production and never got past ‘white box’ testing. Same with the two multiplayer maps. To my knowledge those never received any testing. I never saw them in any builds so all I can think is that they were made early on to acquire the license for the game. Sort of like an art test. That's pure speculation though. It's possible that they were also made on the side by some of the artists there with hopes of getting it in the game, but I never saw them being tested.
Of course, they could have just been turned down by the higher ups. I know all the muliplayer heads were turned down by Threewave because they didn't have time to implement them and test them. That included my Spectral Ghostbusters from Citizen Ghost that I made for multiplayer.

Oh well, it is what it is. I think the game was a great addition to the franchise, and trust me, it could have been much much worse.

by ScubaSteve

13 years, 6 months ago

So what are you and the rest of Terminal Reality working on now?