Is it worth it to get the PS2 or Wii versions?

by EgonSpengler86

14 years, 9 months ago

I never wanted to get them because of the cartoonish graphics and the way all of the ghostbusters look. Gameplay wise am I missing anything by not getting them?

by flameboy2

14 years, 9 months ago

I'm assuming you have a version on another console? I haven't played either so can't comment too much, but i'm planning to eventually pick up the wii version. Atleast the different graphic style will give a new dimension to the game and i'm sure there will be some subtle differences from the next gen versions story wise.

If they ever produced the proton gun wii mote accessory i'd have probably made the wii version the priority buy. I think though, at the reduced cost for the games now, especially pre-owned it would be worth picking up the wii version.

by heslimedme251

14 years, 9 months ago

The game is alot of fun on the Wii. I bought it a couple of months ago (after dusting off my Wii from it's almost year hiatus on a shelf).

The ‘cartoon’ graphics really don't detract from the storyline, and you'll find different ghosts (like the Pixel ghosts) and there are a good few moments where there is different dialogue. Also the new additions to the pack are explained and installed properly, instead of the ‘Oh, hey you’ve got a slime blower on your pack now!"

by devilmanozzy1

14 years, 9 months ago

I strongly suggest the Wii version over the PS2 version.

The game itself has some different moments and different (looking) ghosts. Best advice is go look up some vids of it on youtube. Anyways I suggest it.

by ghostbusters2131

14 years, 9 months ago

I think the gameplay makes the difference between the Wii and PS2 versions… I don´t have Wii, but I´ll buy the game for it and play it at a friend´s.

by Nix

14 years, 9 months ago

I'm thinking about getting a Wii one of these days. I heard it can play the old Gamecube games, too, so I don't have to worry about that.

by EgonSpengler86

14 years, 9 months ago

I'm assuming you have a version on another console? I haven't played either so can't comment too much, but i'm planning to eventually pick up the wii version. Atleast the different graphic style will give a new dimension to the game and i'm sure there will be some subtle differences from the next gen versions story wise.

If they ever produced the proton gun wii mote accessory i'd have probably made the wii version the priority buy. I think though, at the reduced cost for the games now, especially pre-owned it would be worth picking up the wii version.
Sorry yeah. I have the X-Box 360 version and I've beaten it twice. I wasn't very excited to play the Wii version because of the different cartoonish non movie looking graphics. I don't think The PS2 would be worth getting. I already played the PS2 version of Spider-Man Web of Shadows and it sucked.

by sigep756

14 years, 9 months ago

I own both the Wii and PS3 versions, and I can say they are quite a different experience. I actually preferred the single player campaign on the Wii to the PS3, as the motion controls really added to the game.

As for the PS2, every review I've seen has been negative, so I'd steer clear!

by flameboy2

14 years, 9 months ago

Sorry yeah. I have the X-Box 360 version and I've beaten it twice. I wasn't very excited to play the Wii version because of the different cartoonish non movie looking graphics. I don't think The PS2 would be worth getting. I already played the PS2 version of Spider-Man Web of Shadows and it sucked.

Yea, same as me then, although I have the PS3 version. The cartoonish graphics are a bit off-putting, but it's probably better than a poor looking version of the next gen versions. I would certainatley go for the wii version as opposed to the PS2. I'll probably wait until it's really cheap, like in the preowned 2 for £10 bins and then pick it up.

I would say it's worth picking up though mate just to give you a slightly different Ghostbusters experience, even if it's not on par with the 360/PS3 version. If “sigep” rates it, I think it's worth chancing a purchase but just maybe wait for a really good deal if you're still unsure.

by robbritton

14 years, 9 months ago

The Wii version is much truer to the humour of the films than the xbox 360 version, in my opinion. If only because the cartoony ‘busters can sidestep the uncanny valley thing and just project the jokes really well. Also, it has some great lines of dialogue which weren’t included in the more powerful versions (“Stay behind me and try to look professional” is a classic!) and the manager of the hotel actually looks like his movie counterpart!

The PS2 version is bugged to hell though and isn't worth your time. It's the same game as the Wii one, only it crashes every ten or so minutes. It's a nightmare, avoid.