Is it worth it to get the PS2 or Wii versions?

by jackbtripper

14 years, 9 months ago

The 360 version is my all time favorite game so i bought the Wii version. I got a five dollar gun for the wii controller.

I really liked it. I was surprised at how different the story and dialogue was and thought it was cool how the hotel manager and mayor look like they do in the movie.

I would get it. It's cheap and fun.

My only problem with the Wii version and with all wii games is that I get tired after 30 minutes from wrangling ghost all that time.

If your a Ghosthead I say get it.:-O

by shaunryan825

14 years, 1 month ago

the ds version has those graphics and you really might like PS2 and Wii so i saw videos of PS2 and Wii

by chriz

14 years, 1 month ago

The wii version is my favourite version. It has co-op on the same console. I loved that. Online just can't compete with having a friend come over and playing while sat next to you. The cartoon graphics were fun as were the wii only ghosts.

I'd buy that.