is somethin strange with this aution? u judge.....

by rgghost1

21 years ago

i think i paid five bucks for mine :p and werent these at universal studios

by Ectofiend

21 years ago

Nope…That my friend is the one and only RGB/Ghostbusters Toy Item, produced prior to Kenner's 1986/7 line (*_*) …

Galoob had the licence before Kenner did…I don't exactly remember why it (the licence) “passed hands” like it did (Maybe it was due to the poor craftmanship on their part), but that item was the ONLY piece produced… :-O

When I first became aware of it (Saw it on eBay YEARS AGO), I thought it was a prototype of some sort (I think one of them actually was, as I've seen this particular item on there a few times since then)…“One of a kind” even…But now in the years since, I believe that at least a few of them “leaked out” of the Galoob plant…Or maybe they even marketed them at some point, for a SHORT period of time (*peter), before being yanked from store shelves (A common practice in the toy industry) :-( …

But had they not, WHO KNOWS what the RGB line of toys would have looked like, if the licence had remained in the hands of Galoob :p …So be grateful that Kenner got the line

Sidebar: What's interesting about this particular one is the fact that it's fully assembeled…Just about every one I've seen is missing the “sailor” tarp around it's neck, and/or the tie…So this one is RARE my friend …Heck…If I had a few extra dineros lying around, I'd buy the thing…

ANd I've seen the USF Ghostbusters ones…They ARE similar, but MUCH smaller

I'm out.

by jesusfreak1

21 years ago

Wrong forum, I moved it. From now on these posts belong in the Marketplace forum rg.

by rgghost1

21 years ago

I feel stupid…. (*_*) I knew about the galoob ones, heck i almost bought one last year(missing his shirt thing). I didnt read the fine fine print that said he was 19 inches,i thought he was the 13 inch one from universal studios. my bad. :p thanks ecto friend (^_^)

by Ectofiend

21 years ago

No problem

I'm out.

by erikghostbuster1

21 years ago

Wow. I never knew they made one like that :-O

by slimerboy

21 years ago

thats the 100th one i have seen ebay with (well give or take a few but i have seen alot of galoob staypufts on ebay)

by abathalon

21 years ago

Why on earth would this post need to be moved to the marketplace??

Nobody on this forum is selling this piece, the topic started wanted to know why it went so high.
Is the Marketplace became the place to talk about toys?? Why not make a forum category dedicated to toys only then
Would be much easier to create a category dedicated to toys only.


by rgghost1

21 years ago

Bathalon YOU read my mind I hate that every one thinks of the market place as the “TOY PLACE” ,I wasnt buying or selling I was discusing a toy. :p

by ghostbustercc1

21 years ago

sweet I have 2 of those Im gonna go get them out and snuggle :p lol