everything u just said, i agree with, and i already knew this… so u kidna just wasted time… i have all the consoles.. i just explain to that guy that saying 360 version is better, is denying the gameplay of the ps3 version,
No, you are sitting here instigating that one system is better than the other because of a six-axis controls that doesn't vibrate and doesn't even LOOK like a neutrino wand. You are sitting here talking about the game would be some much more awesome on the PS3 than the 360 version because of the notion “it is more fun” despite it being the same game…with the same graphics….the same control schemes….the same game.
You are sitting here telling people that “six-axis is better” when already some of the members who have a PS3 said that the six-axis is not that good and rather just play regularly.
You are sitting here playing favorites for one system and then claiming others to be fanboys and then deny that you yourself is a fanboy. It is not me who is wasting your time…it is you who is wasting ours.
I just wanted to know how it plays and why we haven't seen more of people playing the PS3 version and you go ahead along with some other members and go into a console war. You are like a holy man on the street sitting here and preaching “You are not enlightened unless you are catholic.”
You are sitting here and saying people are stupid because some of us don't have a PS3 and instead have a 360. Wrong….wrong. You don't know what it is to be a gamer because a true gamer wouldn't talk like what you said.
for example…. give a alittle boy a pencil and another little boy a replica of a real stream wand? which boy is gonna have more fun?

If I want a real replica, I will make a real replica. This is a game system not a proton pack. In fact, I bet someone will take the Wii motion, dissect it, and actually work into a proton pack to make it more real than the PS3. I have seen similar things being done. (Look at the video of Wii AK-47)