is the demo allready out?

by TheRebellion

15 years, 10 months ago

Jonathan Archer;141984
As I said, I wouldn't be talking about being a fanboy, and why exactly do I need to have some stupid motion controller to have fun, huh? I don't, the game's single player and multiplayer and the Wii's controls and co-op are enough.

its ghostbusters… saying u dont want the feel of having wand in ur hand is just plan wrong and no true fan would ever say that….

im trying to tell u tho, that if a person has both a ps3 and 360 only, the ps3 is the way to go…. for more fun. since u have only a 360, 360 version is for u, have fun i dont care…. but saying the 360 is better, is just denying the motion controlls the ps3 has and how much more fun the gameplay will be, compared to the 360 version. thast all im saying…. calm down….

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 10 months ago

Oh Jesus, you know what, Scott said it all, I'm out. Sorry about the trouble everyone.

by TheRebellion

15 years, 10 months ago

Scott Sommer;141988
See it is comments like this that start flame wars. Rebellion you say “fanboyish” and yet I can give you sveral examples of how the original xbox was far superior to the PS2…..even the gamecube had better graphics and controls than the PS2 (a la Resident Evil 4.) Yet the xbox came a year after the PS2.

It is also comments like several ones above that start it too.

I want to ask you all something…..are you gamers? No, some of you are not. Gamers do NOT play favorites. They love all systems and judge only by the games that are played. If the game sucks, then it sucks. If it is good, it is not because it was on a “better” system.

I am sorry I even said anything I take blame for this start of this war, but I am not taking the blame for instigating it.

Rebellion, if you truly want it to “feel” like the proton pack, then you need to look at the Wii controls as they are more similar and as flexible as a wand. This is true because of how the controls are set-up.

I like the Wii version because now my daughter can play a safe game and enjoy Ghostbusters. She loves the movie just as I do and she would have fun with this. I can feel safe without.

What happened to the game community? We started worrying about the systems rather than the game themselves. If any company is better than anything, the Nintendo is by far the most successful as they have survived longer than any other of these companies.

I just wanted to know how GB plays on the PS3 and instead it turned into a fanboy war over what system is better for this game. I am ashamed of all of you who instigate this kind of stuff.

The xbox360 is doing better than the PS3, not because it the most powerful machine, but because it is the most fun to play with. XBL is far superior to the PSN because it is fun and this is not a fanboy talking, this is fact. I know because I have played on the PSN and didn't like it that much.

Rebellion, that comment about the xbox360 being out longer is a stupid claim as I have seen PS3 fanboys justify why the PS3 isn't selling as much as the xbox360 because “the 360 is out longer.”

The problem with the PS3 is is that while the PS3 does have the hardware that can go real distances…no developer is ever making those kind of games because the PS3 is so hard to program for. This is fact and I have heard many developers say this. This is why games for the PS3 take so long to make.

So far, graphically, the PS3 and the xbox360 are even. Controls are a preference and differ from player to player.

I have said it many times before and I will say it again. I like to play the games that interest me. It could be on any system, I care not. It just so happens all my favorite games are on a particular system or are being ported to a system I already have.


I am sorry for even kingpin for even starting this stupid fanboy war.

everything u just said, i agree with, and i already knew this… so u kidna just wasted time… i have all the consoles.. i just explain to that guy that saying 360 version is better, is denying the gameplay of the ps3 version,

for example…. give a alittle boy a pencil and another little boy a replica of a real stream wand? which boy is gonna have more fun?

by TheRebellion

15 years, 10 months ago

Jonathan Archer;141990
Oh Jesus, you know what, Scott said it all, I'm out. Sorry about the trouble everyone.

omg now u trying to sound like the innocent one…. i was just trying to explain to you and help you see what im trying to say…. i wasnt trying to be rude..

by TheRebellion

15 years, 10 months ago

The problem with the PS3 is is that while the PS3 does have the hardware that can go real distances…no developer is ever making those kind of games because the PS3 is so hard to program for. This is fact and I have heard many developers say this. This is why games for the PS3 take so long to make.

alot of developers say the ps3 is just as hard or the same as the ps2 was to develop more, their is just alot of lazy developers. If kojima says its easier than the ps2 was, u know everyone else is just being lazy… they are use to using the same PC data for the 360 games… its like copy and pasting… and that made them lazy… =/

btw, mgs4, uncharted, killzone 2, uncharted 2, already got very close to getting that Distance. 2 more years, thats all they need.

by ScottSommer

15 years, 10 months ago

everything u just said, i agree with, and i already knew this… so u kidna just wasted time… i have all the consoles.. i just explain to that guy that saying 360 version is better, is denying the gameplay of the ps3 version,

No, you are sitting here instigating that one system is better than the other because of a six-axis controls that doesn't vibrate and doesn't even LOOK like a neutrino wand. You are sitting here talking about the game would be some much more awesome on the PS3 than the 360 version because of the notion “it is more fun” despite it being the same game…with the same graphics….the same control schemes….the same game.

You are sitting here telling people that “six-axis is better” when already some of the members who have a PS3 said that the six-axis is not that good and rather just play regularly.

You are sitting here playing favorites for one system and then claiming others to be fanboys and then deny that you yourself is a fanboy. It is not me who is wasting your time…it is you who is wasting ours.

I just wanted to know how it plays and why we haven't seen more of people playing the PS3 version and you go ahead along with some other members and go into a console war. You are like a holy man on the street sitting here and preaching “You are not enlightened unless you are catholic.”

You are sitting here and saying people are stupid because some of us don't have a PS3 and instead have a 360. Wrong….wrong. You don't know what it is to be a gamer because a true gamer wouldn't talk like what you said.

for example…. give a alittle boy a pencil and another little boy a replica of a real stream wand? which boy is gonna have more fun?

If I want a real replica, I will make a real replica. This is a game system not a proton pack. In fact, I bet someone will take the Wii motion, dissect it, and actually work into a proton pack to make it more real than the PS3. I have seen similar things being done. (Look at the video of Wii AK-47)

by TheRebellion

15 years, 10 months ago

oh dear god….

by ScottSommer

15 years, 10 months ago

hmm ps3 controls have motion and vibration..

Not the controllers the system comes with. You have to buy the dual shock for that one.

I am not arguing with you anymore because everything you say is either wrong, or completely idiotic and is nonsense.

Here is a parting gift for you and I am sending you a nice fruits basket.

by devilmanozzy1

15 years, 10 months ago

Personally I'm interested in hearing what the PC version is going to be like, because I don't own any of the current systems. My last system I bought was a Ps2 which will be one of the two games I'm buying.

Sorry but the new systems cost too much. I want to have fun, not a perfectly real world. PC's have that base covered better anyways.

by TheRebellion

15 years, 10 months ago

Not the controllers the system comes with. You have to buy the dual shock for that one.

dude… where u been? Ps3 been having the dual shock 3 in the box for awhile now……almost a year now…. >_> lol