If that was true, u would be seeing games that look like killzone 2 and MGS4 on 360 by now… hells its been out longer than ps3, and ps3 has way better looking games… wanna explain? or just throw out fanboyish quotes again?
That's not a fanboy quote. It's straight up hardware facts.
The PS3 has multiple chips that can be dedicated to calculations for things like physics objects, but the video card cannot draw as much as it can calculate.
The 360 is reverse. It cannot calculate as much as the PS3 when it comes to physics and such, but has no issues drawing things on the screen.
This is why textures are usually sized down on the PS3 for multiplatform games.
Sony platforms have always had issues with textures.
The PS3 also uses some hybrid 720p rendering that fakes a 1080p image. It's weird. The 360 can't always do full 1080p either, so it creates two images and stitches them together, but it does include all the pixels that are in a 1080p image.
It's all strange video hardware limitations.
As far as MGS4 and Killzone 2 comparisons; those are first party games. Those will always look better than multiplatform games. Microsoft has their share of beautiful looking games too. It's at the point where regular people can't tell the difference, but developers can nitpick them all to death.
I can break down the smoke and mirrors of any game and show you all the short cuts they take to make them look so good.