is the demo allready out?

by ScottSommer

15 years, 10 months ago

Gah, hope we never do a Godfather game. I've actually never seen the movies.

Too late….nah just kidding.

With GB, you really won't see the difference between 360 and PS3. I mean, you will if you look, but I won't discuss that at this time.

Maybe, but we shall see when we put them side by side. Knowing the GB fan community we will pick this game apart piece by piece until we know every inch of the terrain

by cowboyspike1

15 years, 10 months ago

Scott Sommer;142161
Graphics do not make the game good.

There is more to it than that. I mean, Super Mario Bros 3 graphics are considered so outdated compared to today, but I bet you everyone who has every been around when that game came out can tell you that they would rather play that than most of the games today. (considering how every movie has to have a game tie in.)

Why? Because it was fun.

I don't really need to see every molecule of someone's skin in a render in order enjoy the game and half the time I don't really care.

Which is why in my earlier post I said if it was up to me, I'd have all games 2D. Why? Because they're more fun to play. I've been having more fun playing PSN/XBLA titles such as Braid, Dishwasher Samurai, Blast Factor, Super Stardust HD, Pixel Junk Eden, and Bionic Commando Rearmed than games such as MGS4 or GTA4. Don't get me wrong, I still like the big budget games, but it isn't because I have fun with them. Uncharted is one of my favorite current gen. games, but that's because of the game characters, artstyle, graphics, and plot. Same with HL2.

by megax111

15 years, 10 months ago

This is the most LOL worthy post I've seen in awhile. Killzone 2 says hi and the textures in that game is AMAZING. Even when you zoom in all the way at an object, like say a wall. I hate to say this, but if this is the case, then TR doesn't know how to properly squeeze out the PS3's capabilities. They're noobies.

As for consoles, personally, if it was up to me. I'd make all games 2D with HD graphics. I can imagine a beautiful 2D HD sidescrolling Ghostbusters game with platforming. Or do remake a la TMNT:TIT.

Dude, that is wrong… You are calling someone who worked on the game a liar, when it comes to the systems.

He has to know the capabilities of each system, something you, as a regular forum poster, with no education in C++ (assuming,) doesn't have to know.

I myself, own all three consoles, and I can vouch for PS3 not having as sharp as textures on most games that also release on 360.

You know, you could also check out's annual graphics comparison between the PS3 and 360, but I highly doubt you'll find them to be telling the truth, if you can't even look past your fanboyism, and see the truth from a guy who has worked on the graphics of this game (characters.)

I agree with another poster, who said you sound like a fanboy… Only fanboys would call everything but their own belief toward their favorite gaming system, a lie.

by ScottSommer

15 years, 10 months ago

Which is why in my earlier post I said if it was up to me, I'd have all games 2D. Why? Because they're more fun to play. I've been having more fun playing PSN/XBLA titles such as Braid, Dishwasher Samurai, Blast Factor, Super Stardust HD, Pixel Junk Eden, and Bionic Commando Rearmed than games such as MGS4 or GTA4. Don't get me wrong, I still like the big budget games, but it isn't because I have fun with them. Uncharted is one of my favorite current gen. games, but that's because of the game characters, artstyle, graphics, and plot. Same with HL2.

But the 2D demographic doesn't work as well as today because everyone is so busy blinging out the graphics that they just ruin it at times

It's just seems like this generation of gamers just seems to neglect the true meaning of games and what they are for. They only care about how good the game looks and not how it plays which is why some people don't believe in the Ghostbusters game or anything else.

I think the best example I have seen is with the game BioShock and BioShock 2. If you look at these games side by side, they look mostly the same. Some have even said that BioShock 2 looks like an expansion rather than a sequel, but people miss the point that BioShock has a style that exists and that that is what made the game special. Not blinged out graphics. The graphics look awesome on the game and water effects are the best I have seen in any game so far. Not only that but BioShock 2 does have a upgrade from the first as the water effects have dramatically increased since the first one.

I just wish these console wars would stop. Yes competition is healthy in small doses, but it goes to far most of the time.

I would play Halo if it was on the PS3 or the 360.

by skankerzero

15 years, 10 months ago

Console exclusive games always look fantastic because the developer gets to focus all their code around the system's strengths and weaknesses.

Multiplatform games have to take the biggest weakness for whichever console and cater to that. In the case of the 360, its the inability to not make as many calculations per cycle as the PS3. In the case of the PS3, its the inability to not be able to draw as many objects on screen as the 360. So as a developer, you have to find a balance.

Granted, there are many other pros and cons, but the two above are a couple of the more major ones.

I simply prefer my 360 because of it's online functionality, controller, and exclusives.

by ScottSommer

15 years, 10 months ago

hmmm….I do miss the old days of X-men on the Genesis and Children of Atom and the arcade one.

I miss those old nostalgia feelings I used to have.

by Yehome

15 years, 10 months ago

Ghostbusters on the Genesis dude! Best alternative for now.

by GuyCC

15 years, 10 months ago

I simply prefer my 360 because of it's online functionality, controller, and exclusives.

I would totally agree with this. The ease of use online, and with connecting to friends is excellent.

by cowboyspike1

15 years, 10 months ago

Dude, that is wrong… You are calling someone who worked on the game a liar, when it comes to the systems.

He has to know the capabilities of each system, something you, as a regular forum poster, with no education in C++ (assuming,) doesn't have to know.

I myself, own all three consoles, and I can vouch for PS3 not having as sharp as textures on most games that also release on 360.

You know, you could also check out's annual graphics comparison between the PS3 and 360, but I highly doubt you'll find them to be telling the truth, if you can't even look past your fanboyism, and see the truth from a guy who has worked on the graphics of this game (characters.)

I agree with another poster, who said you sound like a fanboy… Only fanboys would call everything but their own belief toward their favorite gaming system, a lie.

First, I never called him a liar. I'm just stating that some developers out there cannot code for the PS3 due to its complex architecture. What I said about Killzone 2 is a FACT. It's THE best looking game currently on consoles. I'm sure if Terminal Reality had the same funding as GG did and was able to use some of the tech that developers such as Naughty Dog, Insomniac, and GG (Edge Tools) share, then yeah. The PS3 version would probably look better than the 360 version. Yes, developers do have an easier time working on the 360 than the PS3. This is also a fact, although there are very few multiplat games where the PS3 version has the upper hand. Exclusive 1st/2nd party 360 titles, as some already have mentioned, cannot compare to PS3 1st/2nd party titles. A couple of examples are Uncharted, with its amazing animation and texturing system (you thank the ICE engine for that), and as I already said, Killzone 2.

P.S. I'm nowhere near a fanboy. I own a PS3 and a DS. If I could afford a Wii and 360, I would, but I don't make enough money considering most of my time is spent on finishing my degree and air force ROTC. Hell, one of my most anticipated titles is Splinter Cell: Conviction, and I don't even own a 360! Last gen, I did own a PS2, Xbox, and Gamecube.

by Verdic

15 years, 10 months ago

/soapbox It's still going to look better on my PC Rig. Fight on console owners! FIGHT ON!

/soapbox off

Now that my immature response is out of the way. Does it really matter which one has the subtle advantage and which one doesn't? You care about actually playing the game right? A simple question about the release date for a demo has been mangled into an arguement about consoles. Are we Ghostbusters fans or children in a sand box?