is the demo allready out?

by Dakera

15 years, 10 months ago

/soapbox It's still going to look better on my PC Rig. Fight on console owners! FIGHT ON!

/soapbox off

Now that my immature response is out of the way. Does it really matter which one has the subtle advantage and which one doesn't? You care about actually playing the game right? A simple question about the release date for a demo has been mangled into an arguement about consoles. Are we Ghostbusters fans or children in a sand box?

I'd like to be a Ghostbusters fan in a sandbox….

With a positron collider.

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 10 months ago

Ghostbusters on the Genesis dude! Best alternative for now.

Or if you have the MAME emulator, the Real Ghostbusters for the arcade.

by Dakera

15 years, 10 months ago

Jonathan Archer;142223
Or if you have the MAME emulator, the Real Ghostbusters for the arcade.

I actually have over 60hours logged on that.

Anyone else wanna say their record?

by skankerzero

15 years, 10 months ago

What I said about Killzone 2 is a FACT. It's THE best looking game currently on consoles.
That is not a fact by definition. Art is subjective to any individual's taste. I can easily find you people that say Katamari is THE best looking game ever.

I personally don't care for Killzone as I find it drab and boring to look at. It's the same way I don't care for Gears of War's art style.

I'm sure if Terminal Reality had the same funding as GG did and was able to use some of the tech that developers such as Naughty Dog, Insomniac, and GG (Edge Tools) share, then yeah. The PS3 version would probably look better than the 360 version.
More funding would always help, that much is true. Although, we pride ourselves on the simple fact that they both look identical to the naked eye. We're not trying to make any one version look better than the other as we believe as a team that the experience should be as identical as they can be.

There were times where we had the opportunity to make one version superior than the other, but that's not our goal. That's a story for another time though.

A couple of examples are Uncharted, with its amazing animation and texturing system (you thank the ICE engine for that)…

As you said, it's more about the engine and the developers than the actual hardware. Naughty Dog has amazing animators and lots of experience with Sony hardware. Plus, they are first party, so they get extra IT support from Sony themselves. If they know how to manipulate the hardware better than anyone, it's because they most likely had an actual PS3 engineer in-house. I know because Microsoft does the same for their 1st party companies.

Their animation blending is really nice, that's something we're working on. We started building up our system for all that. Drake had about 3000 animations that made him move as smooth as he did. I can't remember how many animations our guys have, but it's around 2000 if I'm not mistaken.
As far as texturing goes, we were going to implement wrinkle map blending into GB, but the character artist working on that left to another studio, so we had to drop it. Though, that's old technology. The first game I can recall with wrinkle map blending was the canceled Daredevil game for the Xbox 1.

I, as well as most developers, would love to be able to focus on a single console. That way any future game we develop can take full advantage of whichever console it may be. Be it the 360, ps3, or wii.

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 10 months ago

I personally don't care for Killzone as I find it drab and boring to look at. It's the same way I don't care for Gears of War's art style.

To much brown for you huh Skanker?

Anyone else wanna say their record?

Not sure how I'd do that, but I'd have to check, and maybe play it some more.

by skankerzero

15 years, 10 months ago

Jonathan Archer;142230
To much brown for you huh Skanker?

yeah, i'm actually more of a Jet Set Radio, Braid, Castle Crashers, Little Big Planet, type of guy.

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 10 months ago

yeah, i'm actually more of a Jet Set Radio, Braid, Castle Crashers, Little Big Planet, type of guy.

Yeah, thats the problem with most games today is that they equal this trope - here.

Glad to see Ghostbusters isn't going to be like that. While it does have some brown in there, its not all brown, oh, and shhh, just a warning about LBP, don't make anything copyright related, even to Ghostbusters, Sony hates copyrighted stuff used in that particular game for some reason.

by ScottSommer

15 years, 10 months ago

yeah, i'm actually more of a Jet Set Radio, Braid, Castle Crashers, Little Big Planet, type of guy.


Probably one of my most favorite under-appreciated game of it's day. Same goes for Psychonauts.

Style > graphics

by cowboyspike1

15 years, 10 months ago

Skank. Art is subjective, which is why I think ICO and SOTC are two of the most beautiful games last gen, even though the tech wasn't that all impressive compared to say GOW2 or MGS3. What I meant to say was tech-wise.

BTW, how will you and other developers cope with costs next gen? You and others must already suffer losses due to how expensive this gen is. If Xbox 720 or PS4 is released before 2012, then i'll quit console gaming and stick to my DS and PC.

by Zalbag

15 years, 10 months ago

Naughty Dog rocks. Crash Bandicoot is awesome.