is the ghostbusters bluray any good?

by sandmanfvr

14 years, 5 months ago

There's a limit as to what's reasonable in terms of creator involvement after the product has been released… especially when the time between the original release and the “tinkering”, is a number of decades.

No there isn't. He owns Star Wars; lock, stock and barrel. He has the right and ability to edit anything he wants and anytime, people need to accept this. He put his heart into his great vision and over time he decided to improve on it/edit it, which is his right whether fans approved or not. I don't see why people can't get this into their head. I wouldn't care if Back To The Future was updated, as long as it looked good as I don't own that property and I can't tell Zemeckis no; I am not arrogant in that aspect. This is your opinion, I understand, but many fans of many movie etc need to show more respect to the ones that made these great works of art as they are still the owners and shouldn't be spit on by fans for editing their creation…


14 years, 5 months ago

I personally wouldn't be totally against Ghostbusters being digitally remastered with new effects but over the past few years I've come to realise that even though some of the special effects look dated I don't think I'd enjoy it any more if the effects were given a makeover. In fact I'd probably dislike it. The effects in the movie may look very dated now, some even poor but in my humble opinion they are a big part of what makes the film so charming, so endearing and so unique.

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 5 months ago

I wouldn't care if Back To The Future was updated, as long as it looked good as I don't own that property and I can't tell Zemeckis no; I am not arrogant in that aspect.

Love your attitude, once again, calling others arrogant and acting as if you're not…

Yet, you just contradicted yourself. “Lucas can do whatever he wants” then “as long as it looks good”.

Thanks for proving everyone's point for us. We don't like the look of some of the things Lucas has done, if you want us to put it that way.

So if you think something doesn't look good, you'd say so. That's what you just said. Yet you're calling others arrogant for doing that with something they don't like.

by sandmanfvr

14 years, 5 months ago

No I didn't contradict myself, nice try. Lucas or Zemeckis can do as they please, I can't tell them no. I wouldn't care if it was done well, but if it was done half ass and I hated it, well it would be done without my approval or not because I don't own the franchise. What I am saying is that the creators can do as they please without fan approval. I say arrogance as many, and I didn't mean to point in this topic, many fans I have talked to act like they own Star Wars and they don't. It is arrogance to think a creator of a intellectual property has to ask permission to edit their work.

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 5 months ago

No I didn't contradict myself, nice try. Lucas or Zemeckis can do as they please, I can't tell them no. I wouldn't care if it was done well, but if it was done half ass and I hated it, well it would be done without my approval or not because I don't own the franchise. What I am saying is that the creators can do as they please without fan approval. I say arrogance as many, and I didn't mean to point in this topic, many fans I have talked to act like they own Star Wars and they don't. It is arrogance to think a creator of a intellectual property has to ask permission to edit their work.

And where did anyone say they physically can't do the things that they've done?

You're trying to backtrack real quick and its not working.

People have been saying they don't approve of the changes. You're saying they can do them if they want, and that we can't criticize. People are saying that there are certain things that shouldn't be done, in their opinion. You said that the creators can do whatever they want and you don't care, as long as it looks good.

That means that you would care if it didn't look good, and would criticize, whether publicly or not, that it doesn't look good (making the judgment alone that it “doesn't look good” is a criticism in an of itself). Or were you just not listening to yourself, as you were so annoyed with everyone before?

by sandmanfvr

14 years, 5 months ago

Whatever Venkman, again you act the holier than though “I will show you the errors of your way” and think it works; it doesn't. You can pull that on somebody who cares.

People can love or hate the edits, that is fine, but when people disrespect the creators by acting like the creators needed to get approval for the changes they don't like, the fans went to far. In the end, watch the version you want but for God's sakes don't stand around like rabid fanboys/fangirls and hate on the creators for editing the work that THEY created.

by Kingpin

14 years, 5 months ago

He owns Star Wars

As you've made abundently clear. Okay, an analogy. A man who owned and raised a horse decides to start abusing it. Is he allowed to do that because he owns it, lock, stock and barrel?

people need to accept this.

So you're saying you think people are wrong to think that something shouldn't be significantly altered once it's been released?

show more respect to the ones that made these great works of art as they are still the owners and shouldn't be spit on by fans for editing their creation…

What about respect for the original delivery of the item, or the integrity of a performance? What about respecting the fans who fell in love with the original depiction, not the “reinterpretation” two decades hence? Why is it only Lucas who decided to go and make significant changes to his films, whereas most other remasterings have concentrated almost exclusively on the picture/sound quality (although as a caveat, if there are any lesser examples of George's brand of “improvement”, they've likely been overshadowed by what he did).

And don't say it's because other directors are scared, and George had the balls to do it.

Nobody's denying George Lucas his kudos for creating Star Wars, but they don't have to sit back like a good brown-noser and accept the changes, because he owns it and he can do “whatever he likes with it”.

What I am saying is that the creators can do as they please without fan approval.

At their peril.

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 5 months ago

Whatever Venkman, again you act the holier than though “I will show you the errors of your way” and think it works; it doesn't. You can pull that on somebody who cares.

People can love or hate the edits, that is fine, but when people disrespect the creators by acting like the creators needed to get approval for the changes they don't like, the fans went to far. In the end, watch the version you want but for God's sakes don't stand around like rabid fanboys/fangirls and hate on the creators for editing the work that THEY created.

You're the one who's been acting holier than thou guy. You're the one telling people how they should treat others and that they have too strong of opinions.

Newsflash… no one is disrespecting the creators by criticizing their work. If everyone sucked up to them as if they were God and blew sunshine up their ass and refused to criticize them at all, they wouldn't get any better as artists.

by sandmanfvr

14 years, 5 months ago

As you've made abundently clear. Okay, an analogy. A man who owned and raised a horse decides to start abusing it. Is he allowed to do that because he owns it, lock, stock and barrel?
Piss poor analogy there, a horse is a live being that has rights, a movie is not. Try again.

So you're saying you think people are wrong to think that something shouldn't be significantly altered once it's been released?
If you own it, you can edit it anytime. I am sorry you don't see that, as software manufacturers do it all the time.

What about respect for the original delivery of the item, or the integrity of a performance? What about respecting the fans who fell in love with the original depiction, not the “reinterpretation” two decades hence? Why is it only Lucas who decided to go and make significant changes to his films, whereas most other remasterings have concentrated almost exclusively on the picture/sound quality (although as a caveat, if there are any lesser examples of George's brand of “improvement”, they've likely been overshadowed by what he did).
More respect would come from Lucas if fan wouldn't spit on his image when he wants to edit HIS creation. He also took Boba Fett and made him a huge part in the Clone Wars and the prequel FOR the fans. So he has shown respect for fans when many have not shown him respect.

And don't say it's because other directors are scared, and George had the balls to do it.
I don't know about this, but he did have the guts to do what he wanted….

Nobody's denying George Lucas his kudos for creating Star Wars, but they don't have to sit back like a good brown-noser and accept the changes, because he owns it and he can do “whatever he likes with it”.
Complaining about them makes you look like a whiney bitch. *shrugs* You don't have to accept them, VERY TRUE, but just keep the version you like and move on. Complaining will not change anything.

Doctor Venkman;165172
You're the one who's been acting holier than thou guy. You're the one telling people how they should treat others and that they have too strong of opinions.

Newsflash… no one is disrespecting the creators by criticizing their work. If everyone sucked up to them as if they were God and blew sunshine up their ass and refused to criticize them at all, they wouldn't get any better as artists.


I am NOT a Lucas fanboy by any mean, but I know how it is to go from an idea, make a script and shoot something thus I see where Lucas is coming from. He wanted to edit things, some got upset. In the end the better than for the rabid fans would have been to act mature and respect his changes and asked for the old versions to, I bet they would have been released.

by devilmanozzy1

14 years, 5 months ago

Whatever Venkman, again you act the holier than though “I will show you the errors of your way” and think it works; it doesn't. You can pull that on somebody who cares.

People can love or hate the edits, that is fine, but when people disrespect the creators by acting like the creators needed to get approval for the changes they don't like, the fans went to far. In the end, watch the version you want but for God's sakes don't stand around like rabid fanboys/fangirls and hate on the creators for editing the work that THEY created.

Off hand it comes off cheapening the movies. But I can't help comparing this to if they had done that with Ghostbusters. Like say they decided to replace Slimer/Subway ghost with new 3d versions to enhance the movie. They have been quoted as to not likeing how slimer looked in the ballroom.

Anyways it would be a bad idea too.