It would be nice if GB3 were to be made, but I think personally it wouldn't get the appeal of many because the many that go to movies now are the teenie boppers. Plus I don't really see anyone that could play an exceptional new Ghostbuster(s) if they decide to recruit. That is another problem Columbia at the beginning decided from what Dan Akroyd said on Entertainment tonight in 1999 or 1998 that the budget that they would be recieving would not be enough for the things he wanted and to pay cameo's and new upcoming actor's(Will smith). Plus the script was turned down by Columbia and they gave the original budget Ghostbusters 3 would have recieved to greenlight Blair Witch 2 and 3. So the movie would have been made if the budget was increased and the script finished. Also some of the people from the original production decided to leave the GB franchise alone, because they thought it would of been killed. At one time it was said in a magazine that Conan O'brien was working with Dan Akroyd on a new Script. But that was just a rumor. But the Good news is that who nows what can happen in the future. We got a lot of movies from past making a come back and will be making a lot of money: Indiana Jones 4, Terminator 3, Goonies 2, Die Hard 4, and Bad Boys 2. Columbia will change their minds as soon as they open eyes.