Is there any reason why you think Ghostbusters 3 SHOULDN'T be made???

by PF4Eva

22 years, 8 months ago

That's a brilliant idea, Slimer07. I was thinking the same thing. It worked for “Star Wars.” Now that would bring in the dough! smile

by thesonofabob

21 years, 9 months ago

Ok so maybe they should or shouldn't make a third Ghosbusters.I mean it could be a big waste of money and no one likes it accept hardcore fans like people and, that why they shouldn't make a GB3. But why not make a new game. Now I'm not saying I don't like the old NES and systems evan older games. But something new. Like the EvilDead trilogy (i.e. EvilDead, EvilDead 2: Dead by Dawn, Army of Darkness. I have a feeling just about everyone on has seen at least one of those). It's been 19 years since EvilDead came out and 10 years since Army Of Darkness came out. But instead of making a fourth one (which would be really cool) they made games as sequels. In 2001 They came out with EvilDead: Hail to the king this one was ok but it was extremely hard so it didn't do so well. But they have just come out with a new one E.D.: Fistful of Boomstick which looks to be very promising. So if you go with a game you aren't spending 300,000,000+ dollars to make a movie on the risk that it's a flop do a game and if it suck make a new one. You can evan do cameos. I also like the idea of rereleasing GB1 and 2 to gain new fands and bring back old ones and then bring out GB3.

by Tobin2027

21 years, 9 months ago

To all those saying they would be fat gray haired old men chasing ghosts like Space Cowboyws. Umm, Space Cowboys was written to be like that. And all the actors in Space Cowboys are even older than the Ghostbusters. And there is nothing that Hollywood cant do to make the guys look 10 years younger. Its call….hair dye. And…makeup. Now come on, we all know Arnold doesnt look like that. Hollywood made him look 10 years younger for T3, just like they WOULD do for GB3. So people need to stop saying it would be abunch of old gray haired men. Cause it wouldnt, they are 50 years old. Not 87, stop acting like it. And yes, most trilogys do work. Scream DID work, Back to the Future, Lord Of The Rings will, Star Wars. Ghostbusters deserves to be a trilogy. And no, I cant think of any reason it not to be.

by TaxiCabFloor

21 years, 9 months ago

To movie studios…it's not a question of the quality of film, they could care less if Ghostbusters 3 got horrible reviews…as long as GB 3 made a big profit…that's all they care about….Silence of the Lambs…another Trilogy…where they didn't make the movies right after another….that worked…and made millions and millions…Hannibal had one of the biggest opening weekends ever for it's month, or season, not sure which…and Hannibal was a REALLY bad movie, IMHO, but if people like a certain character, or storyline, or concept…they will go, and see it. I don't see ANY reason whatsoever why GB 3 should NOT be made…you can turn this into a good movie, you can get this franchise going again, in Hollywood. Warner Brothers is making SCOOBY DOO 2 for godsakes! If Warner Brothers can shell out money for a sequel to a piss poor movie like Scooby Doo, then Sony should be able to cash in on a franchise that I truly believe has some life left in it…just because the storyline is unique…that's just my view though.

by DarkLotus

21 years, 9 months ago

It would never “Capture the Magic” of the first, or even the second film. IMO GB3 No GO!

by d_osborn

21 years, 9 months ago

once again, i have to ask what kind of crystal ball you guys are looking into to get all this info about how GB3 wouldn't live up to the originals. we will NEVER know how it would measure up unless it is made. just going on one script review of a FIRST DRAFT isn't going to cut it… it could very easily live up to the first film with the right story.

by Tobin2027

21 years, 9 months ago

Thank you d_osborn!!! You took the words right outa my mouth. I hate people that jump to conclusions. Thinking they know for sure it would suck. How can you judge a movie that hasnt even been green lightened?! Much less have an official script. Exactly, you cant. So I see no reason for GB3 not to be made. We the fans have nothing to lose, if it sucks. Big deal, we still have the rest of the franchise and other two movies. If its good, then great. There really is no reason not to make it cause you never know what its like till you try it.

by PeterKong

21 years, 9 months ago

The only way I wouldn't want GBIII made is if any of the original 4 GB actors doesn't want to be in the movie.

by Texasgb

21 years, 9 months ago

It would be a great film. It is true the origional cast is older. That really does not matter. It would probably mainly be Dan and Harold playing the origional GB's with a whole new cast of the staring rold GB's. They will still see screen time, but they realize that in order for it to be sucessful and make the most money they need young talent that will saddle a huge audience. Besides Dan and Harold are very talented off the screen.