Is there any way we could all let Dan Akroyd know we want GB3 to be made?

by starsguy

22 years, 7 months ago

From what I've heard he has been turned away a time or two, but you've got to thank with a strong fan base he'll keep at it. Does anyone have any suggestions?

by Prince2002

22 years, 7 months ago

Why don't we all meet up in an Aol chat room sometime this week to talk about ways we can petiton that columbia makes a ghostbusters 3. Columbia made me angry if you remember a while ago when the they decided to Greenlight both Blair Witch 2 & 3 instead of Ghostbusters 3. The movie in my opinion sucked. Maybe we can change Columbia's mind about Blair Witch 3 and replace it with GB3.

by starsguy

22 years, 7 months ago

sounds good to me, although i think a well known and respected actor like Dan could gain more ground than we could. From what i've been hearing the petition thing hasn't worked in the past…but who knows?