It looks likely

by vigo_the_butch1

14 years, 5 months ago

dan ackroyd makes it sound like this film is defiantly happening from what he said in the recent interview by vanity fair
quote :
, I?m working on the script now and those two?Stupnitsky and Eisenberg, ?wrote Bill the comic role of a lifetime, and the new Ghostbustersand the old are all well represented in it?we have a strong first draft that Harold and I will take back, and I?m very excited about working on it.:-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-)

by ghost_buster_x

14 years, 5 months ago

i just have one question how old is this article? because it seems like ive heard this before a while back.

by GhostbustersRocks

14 years, 5 months ago

That Article from Vanity Fair was taking Yesterday on Oct.5th 2010! Dan has said before many times that Ghostbusters 3 is closer then ever and Sony/Columbia will make a Third GB Movie Finally!!! I'm Very excited about the Article because Dan Confirmed last month in Sept. 2010 that GB3 will began Filming next Spring 2011 for a Summer/Christmas 2012 release. 2012 is the year for Ghostbusters 3! Party Time for Ghostbusters 3!!!

by RoyStontz

14 years, 5 months ago

wasn't 2008 the year for GB3 in CGI? You said that they were showing the trailer at Comic Con 2008…two years ago. You are a liar :-)

by GhostbustersRocks

14 years, 5 months ago

Listen Roy the reason why the GB3 CGI Trailer wasn't shown at the Comic-Con in 2008 because the GB Videogame was made in CGI and GB3 remain as a Live-Action Movie so I wasn't a Liar about that. This Dan Aykroyd Interview from Vanity Fair isn't a Lie either! Learn how to read new things! You was calling GB3 the videogame and it wasn't along with your lying friends! Your Lying friends and you are liars for calling GB3 the videogame because it wasn't! GB3 will remain a Live-Action movie w/ CGI used! Be careful on what your saying because this Article is True Facts From Dan Aykroyd!

by Kingpin

14 years, 5 months ago

wasn't 2008 the year for GB3 in CGI? You said that they were showing the trailer at Comic Con 2008…two years ago. You are a liar :-)

For your own benefit Roy, ignore Patrick. I apologise that you guys have had to endure him for this long.