It WILL happen...

by zeek

23 years, 4 months ago

Or maybe not….
I seem to remember news reports quite a while back that stated that Dan Ackroyd wanted to make it like no other. Unfortunately Sony Pictures is the obsticle in question. They own all the rights and they aren't willing to deal.
It doesn't really matter if Murray wants in or not. It's no fun watching a movie with a star who really doesn't want to be there to begin with. Ackroyd can just write around it (so long as he doesn't go over the top like he did with Blues Brothers 2000, which I actually liked) There was a rumor that Sony was testing the waters for a possible second sequal with the DVD releases two years ago.

by GBFan112

23 years, 4 months ago

I've, like many others, have been waiting ever since the last movie came out to see a sequel, and it would be great to see one. But without the original cast, it wouldn't have the feel of the two movies, it'd be like putting Stallone as the Terminator and Arnold as Rambo. You'd go to see the movie, but you wouldn't get the feel of the movie.Thus, in my eyes, hearing they are going to make Ghostbusters 3 would make my day, but hearing there is a new cast would just ruin the experience.

by darealgb

23 years, 4 months ago

f**K you all gbIII will happen and that's that think if jurassic park can make a 3rd movie then anything is possible


23 years, 3 months ago

i just hope it comes out:{.
but just to say it is,nt
nice to say that a movie
will come out and people
are waiting then fifteen
year later it comes
out and people who wanted
to see it are not around:[.

by eKtopLaZmiC

23 years, 3 months ago

all i got to say is that im a pretty good actor i've starred in a couple of short films one an hour long very good by the way if i were to be in gb movie i'd definately be peter just the way i act and personaility

by Ross

23 years, 3 months ago

Some of you guys are dillusional about this. It should be made because there's a Jurassic Park 3? Yeah there's also Star Wars Episode One, and wasn't that a load of crap…

Perhaps some of you guys should be asking around the boards about the exciting story that was the ‘attempted production of GBIII’. Everything from rumours that Conan Obrian was helping with the script, to Dana not going to be in it. Actually our most credible piece of information that the near final script (that spanned two movies actually, III and IV) was a piece of crap. Actually ‘way back then’ (as little as two or three years ago) most everyone on the board yelled and exclaimed they didn't want GBIII to see the light of day if it was going to be so terrible. Count your blessings, not to say I don't want more GB media to be produced, just that there is a bright side to this.

by eKtopLaZmiC

23 years, 3 months ago

i agree w/ross yo so true so very true look at jurassic park three now theres a grade A peice of shit


23 years, 3 months ago

i liked JP 3, cept for the new logo and the spinosaur.