It's official, I've lost all faith in humanity.

by PeterVenkmen

15 years, 11 months ago

Oniell Ford;137795
Oh dear… A “Three Stooges” movie??

All I'm going to say is… My Granpa is not going to be happy about this.

Try not to give him a heart attack when you tell him…

by Kingpin

15 years, 11 months ago

What are some of you people gonna do when they make a “GB3” Slamm them too!??

If it's made and depending on the quality, possibly.

I cant waite for the new 3 stooges movie, I think they have a hell of a line up for the cast

Some of you guys are terrible what your saying about them, give those 3 a chance they might do good with it, I dont see how not with Jim Carey in the line up


Sir Ben Kingsley.
Bill Paxton.
Anthony Edwards.

And it wound up bombing.

A stellar cast does not a guarenteed success make.

And there are some things you just don't remake.

by GuyCC

15 years, 11 months ago




by Nix

15 years, 10 months ago

God in Heaven, King, did you *have* to remind me of Thunderbirds?

Just for that, I'm going to take that and raise you an Inspector Gadget 2. (Just for the record, the first one was pretty good, but could have been much better. The second one, though, was crap.)

by OniellFord

15 years, 10 months ago

God in Heaven, King, did you *have* to remind me of Thunderbirds?

Just for that, I'm going to take that and raise you an Inspector Gadget 2. (Just for the record, the first one was pretty good, but could have been much better. The second one, though, was crap.)

Oh god… Don't remind of the Inspector Gadget movies… (*egon)

by PeterVenkmen

15 years, 10 months ago

God in Heaven, King, did you *have* to remind me of Thunderbirds?

Just for that, I'm going to take that and raise you an Inspector Gadget 2. (Just for the record, the first one was pretty good, but could have been much better. The second one, though, was crap.)

Depending on how you look at it, first one, different not very close to the cartoon, second one, too close to the cartoon. I like the first on better, but for some reason I like French Stewart better as Gadget (probably because he plays it more like the cartoon and sounds more like him). Yeah, I'm weird.