I wanted to wait till I had more of this done and make a few of the guys from Dragon*Con 06' sweat it out till the holidays, but what the hell. Since I will be relinquishing several of my proton packs after halloween, my basement will feel kinda naked so I decided to revamp a project I started 3 years ago and go beyond what I started. I have spent days coming up with scaled measurements, searching for supplies and devising construction plans for this project. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the S-7 Slime Blower V.2 progress thread.
(*peter) (*ray) (*egon) (*winston)
Some of you may have caught onto the little hints I have been dropping for the last few weeks in the Dragon*Con thread. Well, here are pics to show a pretty damn good start. Two guns in the works (just need someone with a vacuforming table to do the funnel end for me). I will give details on what supplies I used later. These guns are FAR from done, and I know I am going to get a PM from someone asking me if I will sell one of these, the answer right now is no. Please enjoy and dont hesitate to post questions or comments. Thank you
S-7 :-)