I've decided that I don't like Peter as much as I used to.

by EgonSpengler86

14 years, 11 months ago

I used to like him as a kid but now that I've grown up I realize that he's not really that great. In the cartoon there was only one time when he saves the day. Ghost Fight at the OK Corral. But most of the time he doesn't really do anything except write up the bill. He's not that smart and he flirts with too many women. In fact I think Winston is smarter than Peter. I think it's funny in the episode The Sand Man where Winston says, “Peter would know what to do.” Cause the truth is Peter wouldn't have the slightest idea what to do. He's funny but that is all he is. And sometimes he screws up big time. Like in the episdoe Janine's Day off he ends up reversing the polarity on the proton pack and Egon and Ray warn him right when they get there not to do what he's doing and he does it anyway. Then of course the imps turn into a giant imp. He really isn't much of an assett to the team.

by LordVigo82

14 years, 11 months ago

I was thinking the same myself.

I actually associated with Venkman more when I was in my late teens/early ‘20s. I saw myself very similar to both him and Spengler.

Nowadays, Spengler is–hands down–my favorite.

He’s really smart, extremely dry sense of humor, and is focused on getting the job done.

Plus…I'm Autistic, so I see a lot of my traits in him, too.

In fact, in the episode “Aint NASA-Sarily So”, the crew of the ship even insists how much Spengler reminds them of their version of Spock…and much of the Autistic community sees a lot of Spock in themselves. He's my favorite member of the Bridge, too!

Getting back to my original point, I saw more of Venkman in myself back when I was younger, and a major wise@$$.

Venkman is easily relatable, I think, to the majority because they view Ghostbusters mostly as a straight-up comedy; thank Gozer we don't…

by thejoker1

14 years, 11 months ago

Oh boy. You're lucky that PeterVenkmansGirl and vgirl don't post here anymore, cos they would have torn you asunder and fed you to the dogs.

There are loads of episodes where Peter plays an active role in things. You don't have to be the big hero saving the day at the end to be of use. BTW, you forgot about “The Devil in the Deep”, “The Headless Motorcyclist” and “Partners in Slime” as major Peter episodes. And besides, would RGB have been as good as it was without Peter's laid-back sense of humour? He's the wit of the team, and that has its own important purpose.

by Ectoman57

14 years, 11 months ago

Hes the best, hes the beautiful, hes the only….VENKMAN (*peter)

Venkman is still my favorite GB

by Kingpin

14 years, 11 months ago

In the cartoon there was only one time when he saves the day. Ghost Fight at the OK Corral.

Joker has gone into detail how he's saved the day more times than just at the OK Corral. Others he didn't mention include Standing Room Only (even if unintentionally), The Collect Call of Cthulhu (putting himself in the firing line of a old one), venturing into another dimension to rescue Egon's soul (Egon on the Rampage) and Don't forget the Motor City where he risked his life to knock that huge glass dome over Ray and Egon's Gremlin distraction.

And then there are those which show there's a lot more to him then he puts on, (the thing to remember is that cartoon Venkman isn't nearly as big a jerk or womanizer as film Venkman is), such as his whole approach to Mrs. Faversham.

He is smarter and more sensitive than he lets on.

Cause the truth is Peter wouldn't have the slightest idea what to do.

He'd come up with his own plan, it wouldn't be as technical as Ray or Egon's, but it wouldn't automatically fail just because it's Peter.

by thejoker1

14 years, 11 months ago

There's a valid query in EgonSpengler86's post though - what is Peter's “function”? Egon is the brain - he does the theory stuff. Ray is the hands - he deals with the nuts and bolts stuff. Winston is the realist - he brings common sense to the table, and reigns in Ray and Egon if they get too off-the-wall (and no, ABC, he is not “the driver”). So what of Peter? You could say he's the leader - though that applies more to movie Venkman than cartoon Venkman, IMO.

by Kingpin

14 years, 11 months ago

Venkman's the “mouth”, as it's been described. He acts as the spokesperson for the company, often dealing with both the press and the government officials who come their way, especially when they need to convince the Mayor of something that needs to be done.

He has the savvy to do it, as I can't see Ray, Egon or Winston having the patience or the charisma to get away with half of what Venkman has.

by EgonSpengler86

14 years, 11 months ago

The Joker;159170
There's a valid query in EgonSpengler86's post though - what is Peter's “function”? Egon is the brain - he does the theory stuff. Ray is the hands - he deals with the nuts and bolts stuff. Winston is the realist - he brings common sense to the table, and reigns in Ray and Egon if they get too off-the-wall (and no, ABC, he is not “the driver”). So what of Peter? You could say he's the leader - though that applies more to movie Venkman than cartoon Venkman, IMO.
I've seen both of the movies many times and I never really saw him as the leader. For instance in the first one it was Egon's plan to cross the streams and therfore saving the day. Though I do like Peter's line, “I love this plan! I'm excited to be a part of it! Let's do it!” Though Ghostbusters wouldn't exist without Peter. It was Peter's idea to start a Ghostbusting business after getting fired from the university in the movie.

by Cosmic-Riptide

14 years, 11 months ago

Yup, Venkman's basically the salesmen and PR person. He wheels, deals, and smooth-talks keeping the GB's in business (even if he does have a tendency to hog the limelight and partake in risky ventures).

Despite his love of pop-up books, Venkman's not a total slouch. He has on at least two occasions (that I can think of) Frankensteined / MacGyvered equipment together and gotten results (though not always the intended results). He seems to be a quick study where the equipment is concerned (once he's been told what it does, and even if he doesn't seem to fully understand the science behind it all). And he does seem somewhat knowledgeable where ghosts are concerned (as shown when Ray was administering the standard “Ghosts and Demons Identification Test&#8221.

by Buckynohair

14 years, 11 months ago

Venkman's my favourite. I love good old Bill.