i've tried this before but now theres a reason

by gbray1

14 years, 1 month ago

hi for those who know my hello old friends
for those who do not i am gb ray i joined gb.net when i was 16 before the big move

this is the reason i am back

after a long night and a huge head ache i believe i took too much aspirin by mistake i was told you know if you over dose if your ears where ringing and they where and with my sleeping meds taking effect i was scared i was going shove of my mortal coil

and then the dream i found my self in some kind of underground tunnel (almost like what the inside of the containment unit looked like in the extreme Ghostbusters) and i was in the movie flight suit and pack and was defending myself from all manor of things even using a flash light to weaken and make a female ghost/banshee dissolve
and even riding a flood of black slide on a green slime patch back to what was a room back in my old elementary school with rgb's egon and telling him what happened and vowing to take my studiys more seriously and giving my 100%

now i want to state i am not a religious person
and the fact i had a dream about Ghostbusters,(things from gb ,rgb and egb, and the new game) and my old grade school and talking about my scholorly duitys and the flash light from luigi's mansion these things from my childhood and relating to them
i believe my subconscious was dealing with that fact i thought i was not going to be among the living and i was somehow fighting my way back from the underworld with the tools from my childhood of things i found safe and drew strength from

now as your reading this with a confused look on your face thinking "if you thouse you where over dosing what not call poison control or 911) threes a not so good reason
I’m a dumb ass

so that brings us to here with that being said i feel i need to come back here and stay
and as i type i am saving plans for a proton pack with hopes of building it along with other props as a way to not only have something I’ve wanted all my life but as a way to say thank you to all things Ghostbusters for last night for in a way saving my life

~~~ from the desk of gb ray~~~~