J Michael Straczynski

by EgonsBabe

20 years ago

The Joker
EgonsBabe, can you repeat what exactly is your problem with JMS's Janine?

I would. But the post would reach all the way from here to Mars, so I'm not going to bother. Let's just say there are some things about the RGB Janine in S1, that were SO UNLIKE her movie counterpart. (*janine) :p :-@

I think it's because the version of Janine in the earlier seasons of RGB has a more sexier ‘adult’ look that Egonsbabe doesn't like. I think she prefers the kid-friendly mommy figure of latter seasons, but I could be wrong.

Girl, not to sound like I'm being a bitch or anything, but please don't put words in my mouth. (*egon)

by XTremeLurker

20 years ago

Girl, not to sound like I'm being a bitch or anything, but please don't put words in my mouth. (*egon)

Sorry. I honestly thought that was what you disliked about her S1 character. Please, by all means feel free to correct me if I was wrong.

by EgonsBabe

20 years ago

There are some aspects of her character, that were NOT THE SAME as her movie counterpart. That's all I will say

The tough attitude however, they did get that right down pat, that I like about the RGB S1 Janine.

by thejoker1

20 years ago

There are some aspects of her character, that were NOT THE SAME as her movie counterpart.

I believe the technical term for that is ‘character development’.

by EgonsBabe

20 years ago

True, but I thought it was a character developement in the wrong direction.

But that's just me. (*winston)

by EgonsBabe

20 years ago

It's not that I'm refusing because I want to(well, partly), it's because I have to. It's not relevant to the topic at hand. But, since you asked…….

Wait, before I go any further, Innsmouth are you a guy or girl? The reason I ask is it may have some bearing on how you understand what I am about to say.

First, the clothes Janine wore on RGB, you didn't see Annie's Janine wearing stuff like that in GB1. *sarcasm coming* But we can blame the animators for that one. (*janine) :p *end sarcasm*

Plus, while I admire RGB Janine's street-smarts and confidence, why the need for the mostly skimpy outfits? One can be confident and not have to parade their sexuality around for the whole world to see. I said “mostly skimpy” because there were some outfits she had that looked more to the style that Annie had in the film.

Second, *sigh* how do I put this? (*janine) The way Janine “pursued” Egon on RGB was, well, kind of creepy. Teenager-ish? I dunno. That one is a little harder to explain, and would require an essay-sized post! :-) All I know is that Janine in the film was not like that at all. Also, if you read the Richard Mueller novelization of the movie, he took a great approach to that part of the Egon/Janine sub-plot.

Third, and this may be due to my sensory-hypersensitivity in the ears, THE VOICE! :-@ Fingernails scratching a blackboard sounded better! Annie's voice was better! *end rant* I'm sorry, but I can't help if my hearing is tuned higher, it's part of my physiology and I cannot change it. (*egon)

Damn, I wish I had EgonsGirl and PeterVenkmanFan helping me out here. They can come up with more to this explanation.

by EgonsBabe

20 years ago

I'm a guy. : )

For the most part I understand your reasonings. A few things I don't necessarily agree with.

Like, I wouldn't call her outfits “skimpy”. She wore mostly knee-length skirts, jeans every once in a while, and blouses. It's not like she was wearing tube-tops and booty-shorts or anything. I'd like to think she was more fashionable but by no means slutty. She fell inbetween the two; not so overly dressed as to look too bookish and unattractive, but not to scantilly clad as to appear like a ho.

Looks like my memory needs a refresh. :p (*ray) I haven't watched my videotapes in a while, so for now, I'll take your word for it. Plus I have maybe 30-35 eps recorded on my tapes, and a few that I downloaded from KaZaA

I'll agree that her infatuation with Egon got a little silly at times. Mostly with the hearts in the eyes and what not. Then again, it was a kid's show and visual stimulation such as that are usually the easiest way to indicate that she had a crush on him. Not particularly “subtle”.

Yeah, I guess you're right about that. However, you know something, even when I was a kid, I even thought that was cheesy. But then again, the 80s and cheesy tend to go hand in hand, haha. :-)

Her persuit of Egon may have been creepy in a cartoonish sort of way, but at least it wasn't rediculously slutty, like in a lot of Japanese cartoons.

And I thank my lucky stars for that! :-)

And yeah, her voice could get a little nerve-racking at times. Laura Summer seemed to tone it down in later episodes to sound a little more human. I still prefer it over Kath Soucie's rendition, though.

Season 1 Janine may not have been perfect, but at least she was better than what we got afterward. Admirable points on your part, none-the-less.

Thanks. I'm glad that you understand my views.

by Ludicris

19 years, 11 months ago

EgonsBabe, you start a lot of “negative conversations”.

by EgonsBabe

19 years, 11 months ago

*coughs from all the dust* Uh, when was the last post, *looks down* HOLY CRAP, it was practically a month ago. Yeah, anyway, Innsmouth asked for an explanation and so I gave him my best one without too much trouble. That's all.

by thejoker1

19 years, 11 months ago

But still, EB, even if you disagree with JMS take on Janine, why ignore all the great stuff he brought to RGB? Without him, many great episodes would never have been made. The suggestion was that he'd just be a guest writer, not the person in charge or anything.