16 years ago
16 years ago
I've put in enough nods that aren't even GB specific. Such as my penguin.
As for going gold, I'm not sure. I just keep adding stuff until they tell me to stop.
16 years ago
16 years ago
Doctor Venkman;135826
Get down off your high horse, you classless, condescending prick.
16 years ago
Scott Sommer;136026
You have this personal opinion like you are always right and ballsy especially with most of the post you make around here. I have seen the post you make and you are very much on your own high horse, but it seems that if someone is your equal you go postal on them just like you did here.
Scott Sommer;136026
I didn't call you any names nor did I insult your intelligence yet you sit here and condescend me by calling me “classless” and a “prick.” Gee Kingpin, he bluntly insults me and you sit here and say nothing…hmmm
I would look at your own post and see what you write before you say anything about me. You need to learn how to take a joke Doctor Venkman as it seems you get easily angered by anyone who dares to go against you.
Scott Sommer;136026
Everything you read is not always what it is. You don't always get your way even if you think you do. I am not even angry at you Doctor Venkman, because there is no need to. I don't even need to insult you at all because you kind of do it yourself.
Getting angry like that….lol. I'll talk to you again once you grow up a little bit.
So in the words of NewRecruit: “Have a ICed Tea.”
16 years ago
16 years ago
16 years ago
16 years ago
I dont know if anyone has post this yet but is the keyboard faceing the wrong way.
16 years ago