Janine Melnitz, at your service...

by ajquick1

16 years ago

A box of old uniforms sitting next to the containment unit?

by Whisk

16 years ago

a dancing toaster :p

by RickyM

16 years ago

any mention of a pool table lol like the one on playstation home, its freakin amazing i love playing that game, be nice to have for a little tea break when we play lol

(not to be taken seriously(*peter))

by Kingpin

16 years ago

Don't forget the twinkie.

any mention of a pool table lol like the one on playstation home…

Funny you should mention it, they had a pool table in Ghostbusters II.

by RickyM

16 years ago

wow, i have watched GB2 so many times lol and i cant say i recall noticing a pool table, my god am gunna watch it tonight and find out lol, pool is awesome and should deffo be put in the firehouse, would anybody play it if it was put in? or be way too busy playing through the game haha (*peter)

by doctorvenkman1

16 years ago

wow, i have watched GB2 so many times lol and i cant say i recall noticing a pool table, my god am gunna watch it tonight and find out lol, pool is awesome and should deffo be put in the firehouse, would anybody play it if it was put in? or be way too busy playing through the game haha (*peter)

I wouldn't think it would be a playable game in the video game, but it would be cool if they added the pool table. But for me, no I don't think I'd play pool, I'd be busy out busting ghosts. If I want to play pool I can just go to my basement.

FYI, in Ghostbusters II, the pool table is what the toaster is dancing on.

by JamesCGamora

16 years ago

I can just imagine Egon playing pool. Taking an hour to make the shot because he has to sit there and calculate the angles and vectors..

by DocFritz

16 years ago

I can just imagine Egon playing pool. Taking an hour to make the shot because he has to sit there and calculate the angles and vectors..

Pfft…like Egon would need an hour to calculate the vectors. He probably does them in his head in two seconds or less.:-)

by RickyM

16 years ago

haha oh my god i forgot the dancing toaster on the pool table, christ i cant believe i didnt notice, or actualy its more like i just didnt care to notice as i was too busy loving the film lol so really that has to be there right even if its just a feature and not playable? or replace it with a cool jukebox so we can play 90's music lol i wouldnt mind myself

by JamesCGamora

16 years ago

Doc Fritz;136126
Pfft…like Egon would need an hour to calculate the vectors. He probably does them in his head in two seconds or less.:-)

Very true Fritz…but it would be funnier if he did need an hour to…