Janine Melnitz, at your service...

by Whisk

16 years ago

I think she looks good actually. i think her style and look changed a lot between movies 1 & 2, because of the times. she looks good, cool you used reference from Seinfeld. (*janine)

a little off topic, i wonder how much of the firehouse can be explored? can the player go down stairs and check out the containment system for example?

by Kingpin

16 years ago

Past interviews have said it's free roaming, being the game hub, so I imagine you can visit all of it.

by skankerzero

16 years ago

Doctor Venkman;135634
That's awesome that you put in a reference to “Return of the Ghostbusters”!

I suppose I can hold out a sliver of hope for a reference to our short-lived “Ghostbusters: The Animated Series”…

Awesome nonetheless! The more tiny little details that come out, the more I love to hear about them. Its truly amazing the care that's been taken with this game.

link me, it could happen.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years ago

link me, it could happen.

PM sent. Thanks!

by ajquick1

16 years ago

You should add something like this graphic from GBFans on the wall somewhere:

by skankerzero

16 years ago

AJ Quick;135671
You should add something like this graphic from GBFans on the wall somewhere:


duh, I didn't see the pic you so obviously linked to.

by JonXCTrack

16 years ago

I'm not so keen on a reference to Return of the Ghostbusters, being that the fan film isn't cannon with the series. I just couldn't wrap my head around the ghost trap stealing people's souls.

It would really depend on what the reference is for it to get a thumbs up by me. For example, if there is a reference about the Ghostbusters being so popular that some college kids did a “movie” for a school project, and it's called “Return of the Ghostbusters” I'd be fine with that.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years ago

I'm not so keen on a reference to Return of the Ghostbusters, being that the fan film isn't cannon with the series. I just couldn't wrap my head around the ghost trap stealing people's souls.

It would really depend on what the reference is for it to get a thumbs up by me. For example, if there is a reference about the Ghostbusters being so popular that some college kids did a “movie” for a school project, and it's called “Return of the Ghostbusters” I'd be fine with that.

You have to keep in mind any references are going to be vague. They're not going to be in the dialogue, just visual references that to some people won't mean anything and to others they'll be like “Hey, that's Freddy's hat,” etc.

by skankerzero

16 years ago

I'm not so keen on a reference to Return of the Ghostbusters, being that the fan film isn't cannon with the series. I just couldn't wrap my head around the ghost trap stealing people's souls.

It would really depend on what the reference is for it to get a thumbs up by me. For example, if there is a reference about the Ghostbusters being so popular that some college kids did a “movie” for a school project, and it's called “Return of the Ghostbusters” I'd be fine with that.

You'll probably hate me then. There's a cinemat where the GBs are having problems with Stay Puft and the Denver guys fly in on jetpacks. (We modeled each of their likenesses perfectly.)
The Russian guy is like ‘my balls this, my balls that’, and they pull out their Neutron packs and help contain the big marshmallow. Egon and Ed have share a tender moment, and then they ride off on a Tyrannosaurs Rex into the sunlight.

yup yup… just like that…

Officially canon now.

by JonXCTrack

16 years ago

Well as long as the T-Rex is capable of talking, then I guess I'll let it slide.