Janine Melnitz, at your service...

by JamesCGamora

16 years ago

You'll probably hate me then. There's a cinemat where the GBs are having problems with Stay Puft and the Denver guys fly in on jetpacks. (We modeled each of their likenesses perfectly.)
The Russian guy is like ‘my balls this, my balls that’, and they pull out their Neutron packs and help contain the big marshmallow. Egon and Ed have share a tender moment, and then they ride off on a Tyrannosaurs Rex into the sunlight.

yup yup… just like that…

Officially canon now.

you sir are a god. Or maybe I should Ask you “are you a god?” I laughed my ass off reading that. And I really needed that laught too…I have been having a horrible day from the get go.

by demonaz

16 years ago

You'll probably hate me then. There's a cinemat where the GBs are having problems with Stay Puft and the Denver guys fly in on jetpacks. (We modeled each of their likenesses perfectly.)
The Russian guy is like ‘my balls this, my balls that’, and they pull out their Neutron packs and help contain the big marshmallow. Egon and Ed have share a tender moment, and then they ride off on a Tyrannosaurs Rex into the sunlight.

yup yup… just like that…

Officially canon now.

Well, in the movies there was MENTION of a dinosaur!

by batman2

16 years ago

by doctorvenkman1

16 years ago

That's freakin awesome!

I had been wondering if Slimer was in some sort of containment chamber, and it appears as though he is! LOVE the design of that!

This image looks even better in high-res. So freakin awesome.

by ScottSommer

16 years ago


HOLY SNAPPLE. The image is far better when it is of better quality.

Seems slimer is in some kind of containment unit that has a see through block. Perhaps used for study as it is contained in there, which concludes that after we catch him, Egon builds it.

Janine looks so sexy wearing that headset….and slimer looks awesome

Thanks Batman2

by VigotheCarpathian

16 years ago

forget the keyboard where is the computer moniter at

by skankerzero

16 years ago

don't worry, I checked yesterday. The computer is all set up correctly, this is just an old screenshot. Also, Janine's face is a bit wide because it's stretching near the edge of the screen. Things begin to distort towards the edges.

by JonathanArcher

16 years ago

Vigo the Carpathian;135765
forget the keyboard where is the computer moniter at

Slimer ate it, thats why he's in that mini-containment thing there, j/k.

by JonXCTrack

16 years ago

Maybe I'm just missing something, but are we supposed to be able to see through the grey box on Janine's desk?

by ScottSommer

16 years ago

don't worry, I checked yesterday. The computer is all set up correctly, this is just an old screenshot. Also, Janine's face is a bit wide because it's stretching near the edge of the screen. Things begin to distort towards the edges.

No worries Skanker.

It is still a great screenshot even if it is old.