Janine Melnitz, at your service...

by ScottSommer

16 years ago

Doctor Venkman;135824
Of course you would. I doubt anyone who hasn't seen Filmation's Ghostbusters knows that they had a skeleton phone, which is what “getting the reference” means. If someone hasn't seen it, and doesn't know about the phone, then they just think its a goofy scary phone in the Ghostbusters office… they're not “getting the reference”.

Yeah no kidding.

But as I said, it is a subtle thing. So subtle in fact that while it is not obvious the first run through you might notice it the second or third time around. This is why they call it an easter egg .

   /ˈsʌtl/ Show Spelled Pronunciation Show IPA Pronunciation
–adjective, -tler, -tlest.
1. thin, tenuous, or rarefied, as a fluid or an odor.
2. fine or delicate in meaning or intent; difficult to perceive or understand: subtle irony.
3. delicate or faint and mysterious: a subtle smile.
4. requiring mental acuteness, penetration, or discernment: a subtle philosophy.
5. characterized by mental acuteness or penetration: a subtle understanding.
6. cunning, wily, or crafty: a subtle liar.
7. insidious in operation: subtle poison.
8. skillful, clever, or ingenious: a subtle painter.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years ago

Scott Sommer;135825
Yeah no kidding.

But as I said, it is a subtle thing. So subtle in fact that while it is not obvious the first run through you might notice it the second or third time around. This is why they call it an easter egg .

   /ˈsʌtl/ Show Spelled Pronunciation Show IPA Pronunciation
–adjective, -tler, -tlest.
1. thin, tenuous, or rarefied, as a fluid or an odor.
2. fine or delicate in meaning or intent; difficult to perceive or understand: subtle irony.
3. delicate or faint and mysterious: a subtle smile.
4. requiring mental acuteness, penetration, or discernment: a subtle philosophy.
5. characterized by mental acuteness or penetration: a subtle understanding.
6. cunning, wily, or crafty: a subtle liar.
7. insidious in operation: subtle poison.
8. skillful, clever, or ingenious: a subtle painter.

You are such a freakin tool. That's the second time you've posted a definition when I disagree with you. Disagreeing with you does not mean that I don't understand what you're saying or that I need definitions of simple words posted for me. I understand what subtle means, you clown. Just because its subtle doesn't mean its not a reference, which a lot of fans wouldn't like. Its my opinion.

 /əˈpɪnyən/ Show Spelled Pronunciation Show IPA Pronunciation
1. a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.
2. a personal view, attitude, or appraisal.
3. the formal expression of a professional judgment: to ask for a second medical opinion.
4. Law. the formal statement by a judge or court of the reasoning and the principles of law used in reaching a decision of a case.
5. a judgment or estimate of a person or thing with respect to character, merit, etc.: to forfeit someone's good opinion.
6. a favorable estimate; esteem: I haven't much of an opinion of him.

Since definitions apparently help you understand points. See? Understand what an opinion is? How about discussion?

 /dɪˈskʌʃən/ Show Spelled Pronunciation Show IPA Pronunciation
an act or instance of discussing; consideration or examination by argument, comment, etc., esp. to explore solutions; informal debate.

See? Having a discussion about our opinions does not mean that we don't understand each other and need to go posting definitions to simple words to try to put other people down. Get down off your high horse, you classless, condescending prick.

by skankerzero

16 years ago

ooo! a skeleton phone sounds fantastic!

by JonathanArcher

16 years ago

ooo! a skeleton phone sounds fantastic!

Unless you saw the show that it was based off of and saw that they were only leeching off of the Real Ghostbusters popularity, and yes, I know about the 70's TV show.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years ago

ooo! a skeleton phone sounds fantastic!

For my sake, I'm gonna hope that's a joke, as I don't want to see it.

But for everyone's sake, I'm really glad that you're so open to opinions and suggestions for things to appear in the firehouse.

by JonathanArcher

16 years ago

If they did put it in, I'd have to hope that they would at least make it not look like Filmation's, as I'm sure that would end up in a lawsuit, and well, we already had enough of that with the cartoon.

Hopefully though, SkankerZero was just joking about that.

by JamesCGamora

16 years ago

Got a question for ya Skanker. I know this isn't really the proper place to ask this nor do I even know if you can answer this…but how long until the game goes gold?

by skankerzero

16 years ago

I've put in enough nods that aren't even GB specific. Such as my penguin.

As for going gold, I'm not sure. I just keep adding stuff until they tell me to stop.

by SolidusR4S

16 years ago

Nice were gonna bust some penguins like in Batman… :p

by robbritton

16 years ago

Anyways, is that Terri Hatcher's hair, there?