January 2008 Now On-Line

by JerseyDevil

17 years, 2 months ago

And for 2009 I can expect the Ghostbusters studs calendar, featuring close ups of well sculpted pecs and tight crotch areas? Maybe Miss January can handle this task unless she's busy attempting to find a flightsuit featuring pants in her correct size.

Now, back to my 12 great feminists of the 20th century calendar… :p

by newrecruit1

17 years, 2 months ago

Eh, don't be. I don't like the costume because I didn't like my favourite franchise being used for cheap titilation which is all that costume was meant for.

Oh man, halloween must be your worst nightmare even without an “elm” street.

I won't ‘ignore’ the topic (…) to make sure eveything stays reasonable.

Come on, dad, you said that we were“big kids” now :-( :-)

And for 2009 I can expect the Ghostbusters studs calendar, featuring close ups of well sculpted pecs and tight crotch areas?

Hey fome! You'll see maybe Zeddemore like you wanted! :p

Maybe Miss January can handle this task unless she's busy attempting to find a flightsuit featuring pants in her correct size.

Hey fome, maybe Venkman's gonna do the January cover! :-)

by fome

17 years, 2 months ago

sorry but they don't turn me on :p

ha ha

by Kingpin

17 years, 2 months ago

the trick is to meet their criticism constructively rather than saying if they don't like it then you're not gonna post there anymore.

Kingpin, I can take constructive criticism like any other person, I do everyday 9 to 5, but when you start talking bad things about the girls and questioning ones' sexy life…it becomes more than just criticism. Especially the way things were described in a crude and vulgar manor

All I can say is, it was Ghostbusters HQ that you were posting at… the place has carried the reputation for straight talking and resorting to swearing and things like questioning your private life. Unfortunately by exploding you gave them the ammunition they're now using against you.

NewRecruit, I have no problem with the regular Ghostbusters costumes made by us fans.

by vincentbelmont1

17 years, 1 month ago

the trick is to meet their criticism constructively rather than saying if they don't like it then you're not gonna post there anymore.

Kingpin, I can take constructive criticism like any other person, I do everyday 9 to 5, but when you start talking bad things about the girls and questioning ones' sexy life…it becomes more than just criticism. Especially the way things were described in a crude and vulgar manor

All I can say is, it was Ghostbusters HQ that you were posting at… the place has carried the reputation for straight talking and resorting to swearing and things like questioning your private life. Unfortunately by exploding you gave them the ammunition they're now using against you.

NewRecruit, I have no problem with the regular Ghostbusters costumes made by us fans.

Not only did you explode, but you called them out for “acting very unprofessional,” while in the same breath, acted JUST as unprofessional as they were.

Defending yourself is one thing. Firing back with the same vulgarity you chose to castigate just made you look like a hypocrite.

by PeterVenkmen

17 years, 1 month ago

Vincent Belmont
I'm not sure what my opinion of the project is.

I think stuff in the vein of “pin-up girls” cheapens the Ghostbusters experience.

I'll admit it's creative, and for what it's worth, it's well done. Liking something, and believing it to be well done are two different worlds, however.

Marks for effort but I have to side with Vincent… I didn't enjoy that ‘Sexy Ghostbusters costume’ that was posted a while back… and I have a similar feel for this, as I'm not really a big fan of objectifying women like that.

LOL Don't remind me of that. One of the members almost had a fit at us who didn't like the idea of a “sexy ghostbuster costume”.

It's an original idea yes, but I side with Vincent and Kingpin on this.

by newrecruit1

17 years, 1 month ago

NewRecruit, I have no problem with the regular Ghostbusters costumes made by us fans.

I don't remember saying something about the GB costumes made by fans (*janine)
But I understand what you mean (*peter)


NewRecruit, I have no problem with the regular Ghostbusters costumes made by us fans.

You liked my pack? :-O
You realy realy liked my pack? (*ray)
… it's the nicest thing someone told me here after fome in my “bad winter for the squirrel” post :-( :-( :-(



Well, time to save another day: some people like the calandar, some people don't.

Now… what's on round 2?

by ChrisSpade

17 years, 1 month ago

i came back to say its poop. Now. I go.