All parts have been cast in black resin except for the crank knob which was cast in grey resin. Aluminum parts include the gun rings, handle tubes, trigger tip, motherboard, ion knob, ion bar, gun box door, gun track, arrow box door, gun knobs, track disks, and v-hook. Other real parts include the elbows, straights, LED caps, and resistors. Pack lights are from Proptronix. The gun handles and motherboard were covered in black powdercoating. All pack stickers are on weatherproof vinyl. New details found like the 15th costmetic plate were added to the masters before the molds were completed. The shell was broken down to the gearbox, costmetic plating spacer, cyclotron base, cake pan, and the N-filter is removable.
I lost track of how many layers of primer and paint were used. I am not a fan of weathering but the aluminum parts are naturally weathering on their own and I'll leave those alone. The gun was knocked off my pack at a con so I still need to re-adjust a few parts on there back to how they were originally. I have a set of the rub down wand stickers I will eventually put on.
My camera died at the beginning of the build so I only have some bad camera pics till I just got a new camera last week.
Items we did not make or find for ourselves
Resin Banjos - Irricanian
Blue Clippard Hose - AJ
Dale PH-25 Resistor - AJ
GB1 Ribbon Cable - Java
Items still to complete on pack:
Real Clippards
Front Handle Twist with tip extension
Foam Padding along top of motherboard
Proptronix Gun Light Kit
Injector tubes L-Bracket
I do have to make clear we only make parts from our molds for new and active members of our team. We have no current plans to offer or sell parts.
Arrow box

Crank Knob

Aluminum gun box door and track

Gun box

Aluminum heat sink

Gun grips

Gun parts, we later made aluminum machined side knobs to replace the resin ones

Aluminum gun tubes

Resistors and elbows

Various shell parts

Booster tube set up

Gear box work

Cake pan


15th cosmetic plate


Various aluminum parts

Gun track

