Job related stress?

by Mat.

16 years, 7 months ago

So I can't speak for everyone, but I work in an overly political vessel shop. If it wasn't for the political crap, it'd be a great place to work! Does anyone else have similar feelings about where they work, or is it just me?

But on a more positive note, I found this on lolcats, which pretty much sums up my mood today…

Come to think of it, I'm going to use that at work when I go in today at 4:30pm. “How are you doing?” “There is no Mat, only Zuul.”

by boholbrook1

16 years, 7 months ago

So I can't speak for everyone, but I work in an overly political vessel shop. If it wasn't for the political crap, it'd be a great place to work! Does anyone else have similar feelings about where they work, or is it just me?

My advice to you, is to start drinking heavily.

Seriously, Why do you think alcohol and marijuana were invented? To keep you from killing people at your work place. All those people who go nuts and kill everyone in their work place? SOBER! All the kids who shoot up their school because they can't take the pressure? SOBER! They're missing a friend in their life, and that friend's name, is Jim Beam.

by Mat.

16 years, 7 months ago

Man, if you only knew, lol! A few months ago I would go through 30 cans a week! It hasn't really dropped since then, there's been the odd week where it's been less, but they're far and few between! a 12 pack between monday-wednesday, 5 on the traditional beer night after work on thursday (four tens…), and another 12 or so friday-sunday. I lead a healthy life!

I've never tried Jim Beam…I tend to avoid the hard stuff. Tequilla and beer always levels me. The last time I had tequilla I trashed a hotel room bathroom, and the second last time I fell off a deck. Fun stuff!

12 cans in one night was my worst. It was a wedding reception, and they were going down like water. From what the girlfriend says, I got up in the middle of the night to get sick 3 times. I remember getting sick once, but other than that it's news to me!

Such is life I suppose!

I tried pot once and almost coughed up a lung! Regardless, in the trade I work in, a lot of the jobs require a drug test. Kinda funny though, when most of the guys in the trade are alcoholics!

by boholbrook1

16 years, 7 months ago

Man, if you only knew, lol! A few months ago I would go through 30 cans a week! It hasn't really dropped since then, there's been the odd week where it's been less, but they're far and few between! a 12 pack between monday-wednesday, 5 on the traditional beer night after work on thursday (four tens…), and another 12 or so friday-sunday. I lead a healthy life!

I've never tried Jim Bean…I tend to avoid the hard stuff. Tequilla and beer always levels me. The last time I had tequilla I trashed a hotel room bathroom, and the second last time I fell off a deck. Fun stuff!

12 cans in one night was my worst. It was a wedding reception, and they were going down like water. From what the girlfriend says, I got up in the middle of the night to get sick 3 times. I remember getting sick once, but other than that it's news to me!

Such is life I suppose!

I tried pot once and almost coughed up a lung! Regardless, in the trade I work in, a lot of the jobs require a drug test. Kinda funny though, when most of the guys in the trade are alcoholics!

Tequila, There's your problem. Tequila will turn you into a madman. Ya need to try some whiskey or vodka. Not nearly as many side effects involved as Tequila. Especially if you go for the vodka.

by Mat.

16 years, 7 months ago

Back in college, I can't remember what my dumb@$$ mixed, I think it was a mickey of whiskey between two cans of coke within a time period of an hour followed by a beer handout, but it left me levelled and hung for two days. That was fun!

Vodka and Orange juice is good.

Right now I have 5 sapporo's, one innis and gunn, a tall can of Faxe amber in me, and I'll probably have one more sapporo before I go to bed. It was one of those days. Some 140 rods burned and getting shyte on for writing “zilch” in the rods returned column and BAM!

by boholbrook1

16 years, 7 months ago

Back in college, I can't remember what my dumb@$$ mixed, I think it was a mickey of whiskey between two cans of coke within a time period of an hour followed by a beer handout, but it left me levelled and hung for two days. That was fun!

Vodka and Orange juice is good.

Right now I have 5 sapporo's, one innis and gunn, a tall can of Faxe amber in me, and I'll probably have one more sapporo before I go to bed. It was one of those days. Some 140 rods burned and getting shyte on for writing “zilch” in the rods returned column and BAM!

Stop. mixing. drinks.

Mixed drinks are the devil. Drinking your liquor straight also cuts down on side effects.

by robbritton

16 years, 7 months ago

not when student barmen hand it out free all night, it isn't! 10 years later i still haven't fully recovered.

Anyway, the best thing to do is get a load of absinthe down you and then try to negotiate steep hill in Lincoln, England. No time for stress in the grip of that fear!

Actually, scratch that, the best thing to do is follow the same first step then wait for your mate to stop and relieve his bladder at the top of said hill. When he's ‘mid flow’, give him a nudge and watch gravity take him, loosed member and all, flailing towards the hapless crowds below.

hmmm, in retrospect i'm quite glad to be away from all that!

by robbritton

16 years, 7 months ago

Bo Holbrook
Drinking your liquor straight also cuts down on side effects.

mixing vodka with coke creates more of a drunk buzz than a drunk sleepiness. Good advice for clubbers!*

*not of seals, obviously.

by Mjollnir

16 years, 7 months ago

Anyway, the best thing to do is get a load of absinthe down you and then try to negotiate steep hill in Lincoln, England. No time for stress in the grip of that fear!
Absinthe?! You're one brave man. Hope to god you didn't drink that straight up. Could have killed you. I believe on the bottle it suggests, heavily, that you mix it with something.

by JenSpengler

16 years, 7 months ago

So I can't speak for everyone, but I work in an overly political vessel shop. If it wasn't for the political crap, it'd be a great place to work! Does anyone else have similar feelings about where they work, or is it just me?

But on a more positive note, I found this on lolcats, which pretty much sums up my mood today…

Come to think of it, I'm going to use that at work when I go in today at 4:30pm. “How are you doing?” “There is no Mat, only Zuul.”

I hear that. I was just recently fired (after just one month!) from my job because of political, jealous, douchebaggary. My manager was a female, and for some reason other females despise my presence. I'm normally a very shy loner, not really something to feel threatened by.

I kinda liked my job, it would have been easier if my female coworkers didn't hate me.