But on a more positive note, I found this on lolcats, which pretty much sums up my mood today…

Come to think of it, I'm going to use that at work when I go in today at 4:30pm. “How are you doing?” “There is no Mat, only Zuul.”
16 years, 7 months ago
16 years, 7 months ago
So I can't speak for everyone, but I work in an overly political vessel shop. If it wasn't for the political crap, it'd be a great place to work! Does anyone else have similar feelings about where they work, or is it just me?
16 years, 7 months ago
16 years, 7 months ago
Man, if you only knew, lol! A few months ago I would go through 30 cans a week! It hasn't really dropped since then, there's been the odd week where it's been less, but they're far and few between! a 12 pack between monday-wednesday, 5 on the traditional beer night after work on thursday (four tens…), and another 12 or so friday-sunday. I lead a healthy life!
I've never tried Jim Bean…I tend to avoid the hard stuff. Tequilla and beer always levels me. The last time I had tequilla I trashed a hotel room bathroom, and the second last time I fell off a deck. Fun stuff!
12 cans in one night was my worst. It was a wedding reception, and they were going down like water. From what the girlfriend says, I got up in the middle of the night to get sick 3 times. I remember getting sick once, but other than that it's news to me!
Such is life I suppose!
I tried pot once and almost coughed up a lung! Regardless, in the trade I work in, a lot of the jobs require a drug test. Kinda funny though, when most of the guys in the trade are alcoholics!
16 years, 7 months ago
16 years, 7 months ago
Back in college, I can't remember what my dumb@$$ mixed, I think it was a mickey of whiskey between two cans of coke within a time period of an hour followed by a beer handout, but it left me levelled and hung for two days. That was fun!
Vodka and Orange juice is good.
Right now I have 5 sapporo's, one innis and gunn, a tall can of Faxe amber in me, and I'll probably have one more sapporo before I go to bed. It was one of those days. Some 140 rods burned and getting shyte on for writing “zilch” in the rods returned column and BAM!
16 years, 7 months ago
16 years, 7 months ago
Bo Holbrook
Drinking your liquor straight also cuts down on side effects.
16 years, 7 months ago
robbrittonAbsinthe?! You're one brave man. Hope to god you didn't drink that straight up. Could have killed you. I believe on the bottle it suggests, heavily, that you mix it with something.
Anyway, the best thing to do is get a load of absinthe down you and then try to negotiate steep hill in Lincoln, England. No time for stress in the grip of that fear!
16 years, 7 months ago
So I can't speak for everyone, but I work in an overly political vessel shop. If it wasn't for the political crap, it'd be a great place to work! Does anyone else have similar feelings about where they work, or is it just me?
But on a more positive note, I found this on lolcats, which pretty much sums up my mood today…
Come to think of it, I'm going to use that at work when I go in today at 4:30pm. “How are you doing?” “There is no Mat, only Zuul.”