John Landis and GBUK elite add more speculation

by rockmx8

16 years, 7 months ago

loly2kn2 at
Today at LLFC, John Landis comfired exclusively to the GBUK Elite that there will be a CGI Ghostbusters 3. He told us, after taking photos on his phone and sending them to Dan Aykroyd, that after the game, we will see another movie “but in a way we've never seen before”

John was a really nice guy and was complimentary of our costumes. And before sending the picture he stated “Danny's gonna love this!”

I believe this could be related to the “Big Announcement” that all of us have been waiting for.

Kind Regards,

GBUK Elite


Everything is going according to plan, Patrick get ready…

Moderator's Note: Whilst Mr. Landis' announcement to the GBUK Elite at GBfans is both intriguing and brings more to the table to support the posibility of a CGI Ghostbusters III, this still isn't yet an official announcement and that fact should be kept in mind. - Kingpin.

by ghostbusters2131

16 years, 7 months ago


by JamesCGamora

16 years, 7 months ago

Believe it when I see an offical announcement…until then it's hersay

Was this information posted on a website or was this emailed to you as well?

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 7 months ago

Dude, you're gonna get banned. You were warned about this. Everyone was told to stop trying to spread rumors about GB3 until the actual announcement is made.

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 7 months ago

To paraphrase Christian Bale in Dark Knight:
“On that day you can say I told you so”

but until that day, please stop.

by Kingpin

16 years, 7 months ago

You were warned.

And, I take no small measure of emjoyment to announce the fact that whatever Patrick has claimed, if Ghostbusters III is going ahead and Mr. Landis was correct, it was Lawrence, Andy and the rest of the GBUK elite who broke the story… and not Patrick.

And on that note. Consider this topic Locked. Any repeat topics will either be locked or deleted, subject to the locking moderator's whim.