I had a thought about the next time we vote for Mod's (I have no idea when that will be nor do I care) but anyway on with my idea, You know how we had a few newbie mods like M. Bison that just came the same week we had elections and he was elected and failed the posistion. IMy htought is that we have Ghostheads and Jr. Ghostheads. It sorta a form of rank I guess. Heres how t would work: The members who have been here over 2 months are Ghostheads, if you have been here for less then 2 months you are a Jr. Ghosthead. Jr. Ghostheads canot be nominated/elected as mods. It's not really a major form of rank either it's just pretty much to prevent newbies coming in and thinking they can take the place over (though they might try to anyway). It was just an idea that came off of my head just a second ago. What do you guys think?