Just an Idea

by gbmasterman

21 years, 1 month ago

I had a thought about the next time we vote for Mod's (I have no idea when that will be nor do I care) but anyway on with my idea, You know how we had a few newbie mods like M. Bison that just came the same week we had elections and he was elected and failed the posistion. IMy htought is that we have Ghostheads and Jr. Ghostheads. It sorta a form of rank I guess. Heres how t would work: The members who have been here over 2 months are Ghostheads, if you have been here for less then 2 months you are a Jr. Ghosthead. Jr. Ghostheads canot be nominated/elected as mods. It's not really a major form of rank either it's just pretty much to prevent newbies coming in and thinking they can take the place over (though they might try to anyway). It was just an idea that came off of my head just a second ago. What do you guys think?

by Ghostbusters

21 years, 1 month ago

Can't see that working, I could register and then not visit the site for 2 months and then come back and become a mod

by gbmasterman

21 years, 1 month ago

Not a bad point Ben. The way you might be able to combat that though is to make it longer than 2 months. I also asked Chad if puging users with a post count of zero but he didn't seem to like that idea. You could do that then that way they would have to keep making accounts unless you were to post several times. After they were to post then you could get an idea of what they are like.

by DocFritz

21 years, 1 month ago

Chad as a rule doesn't like to purge users–in the sometimes unlikely event that they might come back.

I'm not sure, from a software standpoint, how feasible your idea is–I know most message board software can be set to change your rank based on your post count, but we Do Not Want To Do That–we have enough spam problems as it is, and new users making short, pointless posts to increase their rank only makes it worse.

by gbmasterman

21 years, 1 month ago

Ya we definatley don't want to use post count as a form of rank. If you were to purge the board you obviously wouldn't do it without giving notice. You could give a week - two week notice as to when it would happen and have it part of the top of every page we go to. That way you couldn't miss it. And if the person did decide to come back then they could create a new account.

by MasterSpider

21 years, 1 month ago

M. Bison, also, did not fail at his position. He was pushed away by normally good people acting like real big arrogant jerks. He was doing a good job, and when he found out he was de-modded, had no idea why. The facts add up, if you'ld like to research it, be my guest, but taking my word for it won't do you any bad…

by gbmasterman

21 years, 1 month ago

Master Spider Wrote:
The facts add up, if you'ld like to research it, be my guest, but taking my word for it won't do you any bad…

Research about M. Bison or my idea?

If M. Bison was doing a good job than why did the mods also see it fit to have him demoded? Certainly if they felt he was doing fine they would have stuck up for him. Other mods I've also talked with have said M.Bison wasn't doing what he should have. I've also talked to M.Bison on aim and we got along alright. Though I just don't think he was a good mod.

My idea isn't 100% gunna stop us from getting mods that may abuse the posistion but it will prevent it. Look at what happened with Icer Rose everybody liked him then he pulled a complete 360 degree turn and told evrybody to f*** off.

by jesusfreak1

21 years, 1 month ago

Master Spider, you research. M. Bison insulted me and treated me like crap just because I made someone a signiture….

He actually left, he wasn't demodded… He also broke the no more than one user account rule…So don't make this a sob story.