Just an idea for an intro if the comic ever spawns a TV Show

by AgentD

21 years, 4 months ago

Dr. Riddle
Dan Evans
That's definitely sweet, Iain, but it might not work well if totally based off the comic because I thought Dana and Slimer weren't gonna be in it. But I guess I could be wrong.

For the ZILLIONTH time, Dana, Louis, and Walter Peck WILL be in the comic! :p

Slimer will be in it, but he won't be their pet, and he won't appear very often.

Okay, fine. I am now less excited about the comic. I never thought those characters were necessary outside the first film…especially Peck.

by toygeek1

21 years, 4 months ago

Dan Evans
Okay, fine. I am now less excited about the comic. I never thought those characters were necessary outside the first film…especially Peck.

Well, a big part of the first movie was Pete and Dana getting together. It should be interesting to see how they fell apart. The guys pretty much ruined Peck, so I can see him in it for revenge, and Louis is just funny as hell.

by Xenographer42

21 years, 4 months ago

I agree with Mr. Geek here. The characters of Louis, Dana, and Peck all added a lot to the first movie, and I'd love to see them fleshed out a bit more.

by DocRyedale

21 years, 4 months ago

I'm conjecturing the guys got Walter Peck fired from the EPA. He'd have to be angry about that, and he'd find a new way to continue his vendetta against Venkman and the guys.

As for Peter and Dana breaking up, I think it happened after Peter introduced her as the old ball and chains. :p :-) Then Dana married Andre Wallance, A.K.A. “The Stiff”. By 2008, they have a child, Oscar Wallance.

Of course that may be subject to change. We don't even know if 88mph Studios is going in the direction of GB II. Someone said that they weren't going to do GB II in the new comic's universe. But I'm hoping they're wrong. I'd like to see GB II, but only if they change it to fit in with the first movie more. I don't want to see a recycled plot that's like a live-action cartoon. Maybe the guys could've stayed in business, and wouldn't have gotten nearly sued out of existance. And none of that kiddie Slimer/Louis nonsense. That was TOO cartoony. Especially the deleted scenes of them together. I'm glad they didn't add that stuff in. I wouldn't won't to see that in this comic. :p

by Ludicris

21 years, 4 months ago

Yeah, I too hope they add ghostbusters 2 in the new ghostbusters universe (for lack of a better term.)

by AgentD

21 years, 4 months ago

Dan Evans
Okay, fine. I am now less excited about the comic. I never thought those characters were necessary outside the first film…especially Peck.

Well, a big part of the first movie was Pete and Dana getting together. It should be interesting to see how they fell apart. The guys pretty much ruined Peck, so I can see him in it for revenge, and Louis is just funny as hell.

I guess I am somewhat interested in Peter and Dana's relationship even though we know it's going to fall apart anyway. Peck…Peck…revenge, huh? Didn't we do that at least twice in RGB already? I'm not even sure. Someone wanna check on that for me? :p Yeah, and i guess Louis would be a source for some amusement. But I'm just hoping they'll be lots of new characters for the GBs to deal with.

by toygeek1

21 years, 4 months ago

Dan Evans
Peck…Peck…revenge, huh? Didn't we do that at least twice in RGB already? I'm not even sure. Someone wanna check on that for me?

Sure, but THIS isn't RGB…I don't think Peck's story has been told yet. Besides that, I think he'd make a great foil to the guys with the media. They ruined him, so now he's going to ruin them…an eye for an eye.

Man I can't wait for the comic…

by AgentD

21 years, 4 months ago

I can't wait for this comic either. It is gonna rock…Peck or no Peck.