Just for general information...

by Kingpin

21 years, 5 months ago

Crazy Al
Puh-lease! Do you still doubt GB3 will be made? Have faith, Ghostheads, after “Freddie vs Jason” I think we shouldn't even be discussing this. Those guys from Sony may be a little slow, but nobody can be THAT stupid! As for Mr Murray, well, may I remind you when Anthony Hopkins said he wouldn't play Hannibal Lecter anymore? Har har. Sure. So don't trust actors. Don't trust producers. Just trust your feelings, and I think GB3 must be, WILL be done cause it feels too damn right.
:-) Sorry! I had to say it! Wa ha ha. Ok, keep on bustin'

Alright, it's 12:31:41 PM here, I'm starting the stopwatch…let's see how long it takes til GB3 is made hmm?

by ChrisSpade

21 years, 5 months ago

OO oo! Can we take bets? lol

by CrazyAl

21 years, 5 months ago

Ho ho hooo.

All right! I bet you guys a second hand Proton Charger they'll release the movie in less than four years. If they are not brave enough, they'll release “Ghostbusters, the director's cut” or something like that, like everybody started doing since Mr Lucas revamped (and almost spoiled) Star Wars. And then, when they all get convinced, once and for all ,that's a good deal to film GB3, then… we'll start wondering about GB4.

Hey, don't you ask me for a precise date! Let's be realistic! I may be crazy, but not stupid…

by 9sam11

21 years, 4 months ago

well i think if GB3 is made it would be great but i mean we will just ask for more like when gb came out didn't everyone want there to be a GB2 then it happened now we want GB3 and then we'll want4, 5,6,7,8,9,…………..
just be greatful we got two movies and a 6 season long cartoon it better than nothing.

by citizen_ghost1

20 years ago

Do you mean the plot hinted at in Aykroyd's most recent GB3 script?

Pardon my dumbness but where can I see this script?

by ghostbusterben

20 years ago

Took you a bit long to post did'nt it? 2 years?
Anyway, I'm working on a 1 hour long fan-film that you could consider as a bit of a GB3. (Also with a mini-series to match!)

by citizen_ghost1

20 years ago

Yea…didn't realize how old the topic was. Oh well…
I wouldn't mind seeing what your working on, once it's complete.

by majormetal1

19 years, 10 months ago

At this point i would think 15 years would be one of the longest periods between a sequal.

by Kingpin

19 years, 10 months ago

Do you mean the plot hinted at in Aykroyd's most recent GB3 script?

Pardon my dumbness but where can I see this script?

Sorry for the delay…

The script has never been officially released, we only know tidbits which have been released by Proton Charging.

METAL: Agreed, I think we're only second to Evil Dead, and that's getting a sequel because there's been major interest with both the recent and new game, and with the highly successful comic series.

by d_osborn

19 years, 10 months ago

The script has never been officially released, we only know tidbits which have been released by Proton Charging.
don't forget the ign.com review… excellent source for info on the 1999 first draft…