Just got Ghostbusters: TVG!!!!

by demonaz

15 years, 7 months ago

Demon, forgive me if I'm wrong but, is that the notorious Zartan, leader of the Dreadnoks of Cobra on your avatar pic?

Hmm..must just be the eyes. I really thought it was Zartan at first.

LOL. No, it's Abbath, black metal god.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 7 months ago

It does kinda look like Zartan….a little…

When I first saw it for some reason I thought it was the Wrestler Sting.

by demonaz

15 years, 7 months ago

It does kinda look like Zartan….a little…

When I first saw it for some reason I thought it was the Wrestler Sting.

They all actually look alike.