Just thought about this

by JimPhelps

14 years, 6 months ago

Something I've been wondering about lately….since Aykroyd is so into writing (I don't remember which movie it was but the script was as thick as a phone book) did he or Ramis have a hand in the PKE entries in the game? Such as the descriptions of the spectres or the equipment details in the pause menu PKE meter? I was rereading some of the entries when I was playing GB yesterday and some of it just screams Dan wrote that part but I dunno if he did or if he and Harold just wrote the backbone with few details of the story.

Second question bout the game Im sure was asked before but I gotta ask again because I didn't want to go hunting thru all the pages.

Skanker, do you know (or able to ask) what the blue blazes is underneath that tarp in the back of the firehouse (360 and PS3 version)? I remember all the speculation, some thinking it was the ‘real’ Ecto-2, some thought it was just some gadget Egon was constructing. Im just wondering if there was any real discussion among the guys who worked on the game what was intended to be underneath it when they designed it.

by Kingpin

14 years, 6 months ago

I think Skank said it was just to fill up space in the area behind Venkman's office.

by JimPhelps

14 years, 6 months ago

Oh yeah, thats right. I forgot about that. I remember being disappointed when I heard that. Mainly because I thought that was like a little window to a DLC campaign addon that was coming, sorta like in Burnout Paradise where the bridge to the Island was it was ‘under construction’ signs. I thought there was gonna be a vehicular level that you drive or ride and shoot when Ecto got damaged for some reason. I don't know.

Ok, well here's a third question I forgot to include in my original post:

Third, During the Times Square campaign (Single player) Does the building you fight StayPuft on really exist? Or is it just a similar building in real NYC?

by skankerzero

14 years, 6 months ago

Skanker, do you know (or able to ask) what the blue blazes is underneath that tarp in the back of the firehouse (360 and PS3 version)? I remember all the speculation, some thinking it was the ‘real’ Ecto-2, some thought it was just some gadget Egon was constructing. Im just wondering if there was any real discussion among the guys who worked on the game what was intended to be underneath it when they designed it.

It's whatever your imagination wants it to be.

In reality, it's the same prop you see in the museum basement.

by Kingpin

14 years, 6 months ago

Third, During the Times Square campaign (Single player) Does the building you fight StayPuft on really exist? Or is it just a similar building in real NYC?

In the real Times Square, the building that Stay Puft attacks is the Viacom Building at 1515 Broadway, with the Paramount Building one block South. However, the real building doesn't really bear much similarity to the one Stay Puft is attacking: link

by skankerzero

14 years, 6 months ago


Almost all the buildings in NYC require you to license their likeness. It's strange.

by Kingpin

14 years, 6 months ago

On the subject of the Times Square environment… is that the Flatiron Building at the northern end?

by JimPhelps

14 years, 6 months ago

I know I thought it was.

I was pretty sure it wasn't a real building or at least the real one at that addy, but I knew it looked like a building in NYC so I couldn't tell myself.

I still wonder how much backstory details (PK entries) Dan had a hand in I wonder.