Just watched XGB for the first time and they messed up one way

by staypuff2

15 years, 3 months ago

I heard about Extreme Ghostbusters and I found the episode back in the saddle and I actually was impressed but it was episode 39 and 40 where the Ghostbusters reunited. Now The Real Ghostbusters reunited and helped the New ones. Now Why wasnt this the pilot. It could have helped this show out a lot but it just seemed out of place if it is not the pilot as I would have been interested if it was.

by devilmanozzy1

15 years, 3 months ago

Well for one, the show is supposed to be about the new Ghostbusters Team. I mean, sure its cool to see the RGB characters in the two parter, but overall that two parter is misleading. Try out “Fear Itself” which spends more time on character development.

by Trekkie2063

15 years, 3 months ago

Yeah, IMO, Back in the Saddle is really mostly fan service……sweet, sweet fan service, but still fan service none the less lol

And is sorta like a gift to the fans of Ghostbusters from the 80s as is the VERY subtle references throughout the series that even I'm only getting now watching the episodes years later. This two-parter has the most fan service and the two part pilot along with this two parter contains the most DIRECT references to RGB including the “old-style” equipment (Proton pack, neutrona wands, PKE meters, traps, etc.) But over all, XGB is pretty good except for a few little things that irked me. If you want, I can link to that list if you want to more get into XGB

by staypuff2

15 years, 3 months ago

Man that would help. Like I said I only found out about it through this site and done check on it. It seems it was only around for one season which is a shame.

by hansoloner

15 years, 3 months ago

I absolutely loved the show, it was good to have something ghostbusters related to watch before school.

by Trekkie2063

15 years, 3 months ago

Here's the link and my beefs with the series are at the bottom of the first page and leading on a bit into the second page.

****WARNING!!!!! SPOILERS!!!!!!!****


by hansoloner

15 years, 3 months ago

Trekkie, I agree with everysingle point you made about the cartoon…that rarely happens.

by DocFritz

15 years, 3 months ago

I think it was wise to have the big appearance by the entire original team saved until the end. It's similar to Star Trek: The Next Generation : they had the McCoy cameo in the first episode, then it wasn't until Season 5 or so that Spock and Scotty popped up, and they didn't even deal with Kirk until the first STTNG movie, after the show was over.

The origin story had Egon, Janine, and Slimer in it to “ease” the new characters into the story. Those three certainly made plenty of appearances over the course of the series, but they weren't the focus and shouldn't have been: the show was called Extreme Ghostbusters not The Real Ghostbusters Phase 2.

It wasn't until the new characters were well established, familiar enough to make the meeting really meaningful, that it was time to bring back Ray, Venkman, and Winston, and see what happened.

Like a lot of people, I have to assume that if EGB had gone onto a second season, the other three original Ghostbusters probably would have popped up once in a while now that they were part of the scenario. But of course, since the show didn't go on, that wasn't given the chance to happen.

by DemonicGozer

15 years, 3 months ago

I watched Extreme Ghostbusters for the first time recently on “On Demand” and couldn't even finish it. The show is horrendous.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 3 months ago

Doc Fritz;152657
the show was called Extreme Ghostbusters not The Real Ghostbusters Phase 2.

Very nice ST:TMP reference there Doc.

At the time EBG aired originally I was into it…but quickly got tired of it. It just didn't keep me like the RGB did.