by Spengs

21 years, 11 months ago

LordVego: Yes, the MGBs, the MTGBs, any other franchises, and any ghostheads. Kinda the trouble to get recognized within the community since not all ghostheads view this section. Or just choose not to post.

Louis: Thank you, we're glad that G.B.I is pleased with the current redesign and overhaul that's still in progress. Oh yeah, this month's franchise fee is gonna be oh a few days late. Coming back from a late night call, we spent the fees in a fast food drive thru. :d

Matt: Thank you too for the very kind words. If you haven't, please rate our site, it would be appreciated. Call me Rich, Spengs is my mentor's name.

Same for us, if we, if I can help out a fellow franchise, I will do my best. I'm sorry, def. not intentional that your francise was upset with me. Its not your location, (NC is where my heart at) just a slight misunderstanding as I was using the franchise list I received this past Jan. If you were on there, my apologies. I will be sure to add you during the next update.