Kenners Egon's Lab playset surfaces by Collector Josh Blake

by devilmanozzy1

13 years, 5 months ago

All Information and Images provided Josh Blake from his collection.

Some images of the last version of Egon's Lab….

Josh also has scanned the 1991 promo booklet. (includes text about toys!)

Josh provides information and more details on article in question.Also all 10 images can be found there.
Full versions can be seen in gallery of "Egon's Lab Action Figure Toy" .

by Zombie

13 years, 5 months ago

Remember seeing a post here about the ebay auction for the lab a while back. To bad it was so expensive, looked like a great collectible.

by Nix

13 years, 5 months ago

Heh…The Slimerizer. Or, should I say…the Ghost Gummer?

by EgonSpengler86

13 years, 5 months ago

I don't remember those playsets.

by jay_tigran1

13 years, 5 months ago

I don't remember those playsets.

That's because they were unreleased

by jettajeffro

13 years, 5 months ago

Definitely wished the lab would have come out. Definitely has a TMNT toy vibe to it, but I still would have loved it.

by slimelord1

13 years, 4 months ago

Those all look great, shame they were never released. It's not likely the old RGB toys would get re-issued but if they did it'd be sweet to get those toys released as a nice bonus.

by Nix

13 years, 4 months ago

Definitely has a TMNT toy vibe to it

I can see where you're coming from, especially with the glossy-looking stickers and the vaguely Rube Goldberg-ish setup.

by Dascolsanders

13 years, 3 months ago

thats amazing i wonder if thats the same one that was sold for 500$ on Ebay in 2003? None the less thats amazing!

by devilmanozzy1

13 years, 3 months ago

thats amazing i wonder if thats the same one that was sold for 500$ on Ebay in 2003? None the less thats amazing!

“To date, all that is known to remain of this project are 2 early mock up presentation examples and 3 fully functional hand-painted models: 2 of which are fully decorated with hand-cut photo printed decals. The last 3 examples (those resembling that of a production ready toy) consist of a hand-painted resin cast hardcopy base along with several painted hardcopy and first shot parts. The base is crafted from one solid piece of blue resin and was painted grey. This was a process Kenner referred to as protomolding.”
Off of the Wiki article on Egon's Lab.

So there are 3 of them known to be out there including the one above.

I acquired this item from a former Kenner employee - not ebay. The examples that went to auction are now in private collections. As far as the price is concerned, I will only tell you what I was told when I first began searching for an example of my own. I am friends with the individual who originally brokered the Labs that went to auction back in 02 and 08. He told me that he had a standing offer of $3500 for an Egons Lab should one ever surface. He also said that the former Kenner engineer who worked on this project reported that only 3 were made for Toy Fair and for internal photography use - I believe this number to be inaccurate on account that the one used for photography does not match any of the known examples that have surfaced (Kenner typically made 4 to 5 examples at this stage of production). In the end, his only advice to me was “good luck”. In any case, if another example ever went up for auction its hard telling what it would fetch. You would not only have Ghostbuster fans bidding, but a vast pool of individuals who love Kenner preproduction and pop culture items.
Grabbed from his conversation on these pictures also discussed at GBFans.

Josh Blake would answer this himself, but he said he can't sign up to forums.