Kind Of a Weird (And Gross) Question, But...

by slimelord1

14 years, 11 months ago

…what would happen if you drank mood slime? This occured to me the other day. Whether positive or evil, mood slime has a serious effect on your behavior and actions when you make physical contact with it, but what would happen if somehow you drank and consumed it?

by Nonstop_Death

14 years, 11 months ago

I imagine it would have a greater effect on your personality than simply touching the stuff. Depending on how much you drink, it may also change you physically.

by Nix

14 years, 11 months ago

RE: Slime Lord

I suppose that depends on how you drink it. Taking it straight from the flask is inadvisable, IMO, but if you diluted it in a stiff gin and tonic (or whatever), you might get some good results. Of course, you'd have to get a little taste first so you know what to use, but after that the sky's the limit.

by PeopleBusters

14 years, 11 months ago

I am sure when the ghostbusters jumpped into the river of slime they must of gotten some in there mouth i mean just look at them they where coverd

by slimelord1

14 years, 11 months ago

I wonder if the effect it would have from drinking it would be permanent or if it takes longer to wear off after some time?

by CrimsonGhostbuster

14 years, 11 months ago

I assume the same effect that happens if you eat Jason's heart (“Jason Goes To Hell”).

by slimelord1

14 years, 9 months ago

I am sure when the ghostbusters jumpped into the river of slime they must of gotten some in there mouth i mean just look at them they where coverd

I watched GB2 earlier and they would've definitely gotten a considerable chunk of the mood slime into their system. I wonder if you'd have to get your stomach pumped to get it out?