Knight Rider

by Mjollnir

17 years ago

I don't remember the ending to the series at all. All I remember is the motorcycles, the jet, the tacky uniforms, KITT coming back as a bad guy and some stuff I've seen on youtube.

by ghstbstrlmliii1

17 years ago

Well, TKR didn't add to much to the Knight Rider Legacy. Also, from what I heard, this new series is not supposed to be drawing from anything other than the original series - ie: No TKR, KR 2000, or KR2010.

This was probably wise on their part - those other franchises were not received as they had hoped.

That being said, there was a project “Prometheus” in TKR that the main bad buy was after and supposedly KITT (the old KITT) had one of the necessary parts to hack into the system. Let's hope they were just borrowing from a partial story line instead of building onto it.

by JamesCGamora

17 years ago

Speaking of TKR…Didn't the character that gave the TKR their assignments and missions turn out to be KITT or something?

by ghstbstrlmliii1

17 years ago

Yeah. “The Shadow” (I think) turned out to be just a holographic projection from KITT. Good call.