Kotaku screenshots

by skankerzero

16 years ago

problem solved.

by ScottSommer

16 years ago

problem solved.

Hey Skankerzero, I was wondering something.

While Ghostbusters the video game looks awesome in gameplay videos, the screenshots of in-game seems to be sub par or worse.

Now I am not saying Ghostbusters the Video game has terrible graphics. Far from it. I am just wondering why the screenshots make the game look worse than what it really is? Are screenshots taken at lower quality renders so they can be taken easier or is it my imagination?

by skankerzero

16 years ago

A lot depends on who's taking the screenshots. There's a fine art to framing a shot. People who just hit ‘print screen’ don't really care what they're snapping.

Most games also look much better in motion.

We're recreating a ‘real world’ feel with this game, so there's not flashy robots or space marines to see in our screenshots. That alone can make them seem a bit more bland by comparison.

There were also some graphical bugs in those screenshots (issues with the shadows and such). All taken care of in the recent builds.

by Ectofiend

16 years ago

*Two more “itches to scratch”:

1] Zipper on boot: I remember Skanker you saying that these were indeed “new uniforms”, however unless these shots are older than the newest Atari Trailer, then you guys have indeed fixed a few things since . However the newest “observation” is the lack of the brass zipper on the inside of the boot. And while I'm on it, the last 4 “eyelets” on the boots aren't “d hooks”, but actual eyelets, as seen in the reference picture…

2] Motorola “McIntosh” MT500 Walkie-Talkies: And you thought I was going to say something about the “brand name” change didn't you? Nope, just commenting on the length of the antennae, as it should be shorter, as evidenced in the screen-shot provided here…However seeing as though the technology has been furthered between GBII and into the game, the length of the antennae doesn't pose that much of an issue, as I'm guessing “the longer the antennae, the broader the receiving range”…

*Again, don't take this as a “slight” against the AWESOME work you guys have been doing over the last couple of years, however just plain “observations” on my part (*peter):-)…

*Keep up the SPECTACULAR WORK guys!!


by skankerzero

16 years ago

*Two more “itches to scratch”:
1] Zipper on boot: I remember Skanker you saying that these were indeed “new uniforms”, however unless these shots are older than the newest Atari Trailer, then you guys have indeed fixed a few things since . However the newest “observation” is the lack of the brass zipper on the inside of the boot. And while I'm on it, the last 4 “eyelets” on the boots aren't “d hooks”, but actual eyelets, as seen in the reference picture…
different boots.

2] Motorola “McIntosh” MT500 Walkie-Talkies: And you thought I was going to say something about the “brand name” change didn't you? Nope, just commenting on the length of the antennae, as it should be shorter, as evidenced in the screen-shot provided here…However seeing as though the technology has been furthered between GBII and into the game, the length of the antennae doesn't pose that much of an issue, as I'm guessing “the longer the antennae, the broader the receiving range”…

We couldn't use the walkie talkies from the movies.

You have to remember, you can't just ‘copy’ what you see and sell it. Most of the time, if you replicate it, you have to pay licensing fees for it. So you change up a thing or two to keep it different enough to keep that from happening.

We modified the screamers with circuit boards for the same reasons too.

by mdp872105

16 years ago

Works for me

by Ectofiend

16 years ago

You have to remember, you can't just ‘copy’ what you see and sell it. Most of the time, if you replicate it, you have to pay licensing fees for it. So you change up a thing or two to keep it different enough to keep that from happening.

*I realize this…This is why at the end of virtually every movie that feature some “real world” product , you see the blurb in the credits saying "Thanks to the following companies: Pepsi, Nike "…Because they had to get permission to feature them…And I know that:

1]Flightsuit = Nomex.
2]Boots = Cochran .
3]Walkie-Talkies = Motorola.

*So I understand where you're getting at…What I find silly however is having to pay “fees” for a product that a company has ceased making ages ago, is no longer is on the market, and is no longer profiting from , but that's neither here nor there…

*I could honestly understand if they were wearing a oldschool NES on their belts, as that's immediately recognizable as “Nintendo”…And as such they'd want a “fee” or “royalty” for using the design…But then again said aforementioned companies would probably have the same idea about their products too, no matter how old, “out of print” or generic-looking…No matter how insignificant the usage of said product is…

*So I can live with a few deviations I guess …After all - Things did aesthetically change from GB1 to GBII, even in only the slightest manner , so…Even if I didn't prefer a few of the changes…

We modified the screamers with circuit boards for the same reasons too.

*You mean the yellow “lifeguards”? I was wondering about those, but again figured it was a new gadget add-on to them , so I was ok with that

*But moving along, I was looking over the pictures again, and noticed one glaring omission…One that doesn't involve paying a fee - The “Trap Holster”:

*Was this something that was just unintentionally missed , or do they have an alternate way of holstering it to the belt now? Just curious…

*And fyi - the top pictures are of a GBII screen used trap/holster, with the bottom one of a fan-created piece …

*Sorry for being the constantly “over-obsessive-fan-boy” here, but I can't help myself sometimes(*ray)…


by skankerzero

16 years ago

*But moving along, I was looking over the pictures again, and noticed one glaring omission…One that doesn't involve paying a fee - The “Trap Holster”:

*Was this something that was just unintentionally missed , or do they have an alternate way of holstering it to the belt now? Just curious…
the holster is under the trap.
*Sorry for being the constantly “over-obsessive-fan-boy” here, but I can't help myself sometimes(*ray)…
To be honest, at times it's more annoying than anything, but you have brought up a couple good points here and there.

I pick and choose what I feel is a valid complaint and ignore those I feel are nit picking, not important, or not accurate because you lack the insiders knowledge.

by mdp872105

16 years ago

Well I think I speak for all of us. When I say thanks for putting up with us and not getting made about our nick picking. I must say for the developers to pay so much attention to those little details is amazing and to take and explain why something change is pretty cool too.

by ScottSommer

16 years ago

You have to remember, you can't just ‘copy’ what you see and sell it. Most of the time, if you replicate it, you have to pay licensing fees for it. So you change up a thing or two to keep it different enough to keep that from happening.

We modified the screamers with circuit boards for the same reasons too.

I am actually in advertising myself and I somewhat understand the copyright issues of it. How some products are considered too generic to put a patent on it or when they say something along the lines of “If more than 50% of the said copied item is different, then it is not copied.” The percentage changed could be a bit varied depending on the product.

I noticed one thing about the ecto-traps. The ones in the movies have 9 strips, 5 black 4 yellow. The one in the games has 6: 3 yellow, 3 black. So this reduction of 3 strips automatically make the trap different? Or is there more to it that I am not seeing?

I am just curious, because I am hoping to be a game designer someday.