Kotobukia Bishoujo Statue

by sigep756

13 years, 11 months ago


At the above link in Kotobukiya's anime-inspired “pretty girl” statue.

Not my cup of tea…

by jay_tigran1

13 years, 11 months ago

I like it!

by flameboy2

13 years, 11 months ago

No idea what they are, or where i'd get one, but I would buy one for sure. Thanks for posting!

by Kingpin

13 years, 11 months ago

Taking things too far toward the sexual end of things for my liking… but it's still better than the porn parodies I suppose.

by ghostbusters2131

13 years, 11 months ago

Looks good, but I´m not into japanese stuff (you know, mangas, animes)… I wouldn´t buy it… I rather spend that $60 bucks on other GB related stuff.

by IgnatzKaspir

13 years, 11 months ago

The ripped clothes ruin it for me. And as can be seen with a number of the female cosplayers out there, the “sexy GB” getup can be done without altering the uniform to show a bunch of skin. Not that I'm against seeing skin, it's just that the full jumpsuit works best as the uniform IMO.

by JamesCGamora

13 years, 11 months ago

At least I know what I want my girlfriend to dress like this Halloween ::cough cough::

by JSpengler

13 years, 11 months ago

Ghostbusters X-2! Looks interesting. Those ripped pants do make me wonder what kind of ghost could do that. :p

I guess it's suppose to be Janine, haha!

Unrelated, but stuff I found on Japanese sites



by PeterVenkmen

13 years, 11 months ago

The statue sculpt itself is very nice, but the idea and concept itself is not very appealing given the property it's licensed toward.

by flameboy2

13 years, 11 months ago

Looks good, but I´m not into japanese stuff (you know, mangas, animes)… I wouldn´t buy it… I rather spend that $60 bucks on other GB related stuff.

Usually i'm not into this stuff, the only exception being my 2 Bayonetta figures but as it's GB i'm interested.

I've seen lots of these style figures on ebay and places before when looking for “blade” figures and to be honest found the whole idea quite….odd… with how young they always appear and the way they're dressed. Not something i'd ever want to own. In this case I didn't even realise how sexulised this was, sadly, I was instantly drawn to the detail on the side of the pack, the wand and the trap. I only took a second look after reading others comments here, haha.

Still, it's a GB figure so i'm interested! I guess it's kind of like I would never have bought a Weenicon figure until they released a GB version, except that is far less awkward to explain than this will be, lol!

I don't mind spending the $60 as there's nothing else GB related I really want right now.