Kotobukia Bishoujo Statue

by JSpengler

13 years, 11 months ago

It would be bad..if she was slimed.

by DocFritz

13 years, 11 months ago

I guess it's suppose to be Janine, haha!

I remain skeptical. Granted that the character has had some totally different looks over the years, but you'd think if it was intended to be her they'd go for some glasses and redder hair.

by Kingpin

13 years, 11 months ago

One of the articles, I think the one on GBNews remarked that when the studio making it was asked why they didn't go for Janine, they didn't have an answer.

The figure is just some random girl in Ghostbusters gear.

by skankerzero

13 years, 11 months ago

by Zombie

13 years, 11 months ago

Eh.. Good sculpt and all that, but it being of some random anime chick killed my interest. If they had made it to be Janine or Kylie Griffin I might've given a damn.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

13 years, 11 months ago

Uh yeah, it's weird enough when I've had girls over and they get all “D'aww!” at my GB stuff all over my apartment.

I'm gonna go ahead and pass on this one.

… but I'm gonna go ahead and save that image.

by flameboy2

13 years, 11 months ago

up for preorder.

Already got mine preordered.


I didn't realise the release was so far away! I might put my order in just so it's done.

by JamesCGamora

13 years, 11 months ago

Eh.. Good sculpt and all that, but it being of some random anime chick killed my interest. If they had made it to be Janine or Kylie Griffin I might've given a damn.

I think it is supposed to be Janine. The company that is making it, Kotobukiya, is the same company that is doing the DC Bishoujo Collection and the Marvel Comics Bishoujo Collection…which are both based respectively on actually DC and Marvel characters. That being said, just because those sets of Bishoujo statues are based on actual canon characters doesn’t mean this is but it’s not that big of a jump in conclusion.

But that is just imho


Of course if it was supposed to be Janine, I am sure the identity card nearby the sculpt would say Janine now wouldn't it.

by doctorvenkman1

13 years, 11 months ago

I will never understand these things.

To me, they just further the “nerd” stereotype about not being able to get girls.

Scantily clad, ripped clothing versions of superheros? Yea, definitely don't see the point.

“Ooooo, I can see her thong/butt/boobs! NERDGASM!”

Some random, non-existent “hot chick” who has a molded “fantastic body”, and wears Ghostbusters stuff? I'm sorry, but this type of thing just reeks of “I'm so obsessed with Ghostbusters that I can't get a girl in real life, so I'll buy this sculpted hottie who wears Ghostbusters stuff! YAY!”

by skankerzero

13 years, 11 months ago

Doctor Venkman;169336
I will never understand these things.

To me, they just further the “nerd” stereotype about not being able to get girls.

Scantily clad, ripped clothing versions of superheros? Yea, definitely don't see the point.

“Ooooo, I can see her thong/butt/boobs! NERDGASM!”

Some random, non-existent “hot chick” who has a molded “fantastic body”, and wears Ghostbusters stuff? I'm sorry, but this type of thing just reeks of “I'm so obsessed with Ghostbusters that I can't get a girl in real life, so I'll buy this sculpted hottie who wears Ghostbusters stuff! YAY!”

As I stated over in GBfans, this is a very insulting and closeminded point of view.

Who really cares what other people think? To me, if you're so insecure about owning a molded piece of plastic then there are bigger issues at hand.

I love Shunya Yamashita and all the character designs he does. I know I would have bought this no matter what she was wearing as long as it had his name on it.

Also, to be perfectly honest, this would not have sold well at all if her uniform was intact. The flight suit is not very flattering.