Last Action Hero.

by HannibalKing

15 years, 7 months ago

I'm glad I'm not the only one who loves this movie. Besides, it has Robert Patrick as the T-1000 and Ian McKellan as Death in it, not to mention all of the other apperances and easter eggs.

by Nix

15 years, 7 months ago

Being a fan of stuff like The Truman Show, I'll have to make an effort to see this. I hope it's out on DVD so I can rent it over the weekend.

by PeterVenkmen

15 years, 7 months ago

Being a fan of stuff like The Truman Show, I'll have to make an effort to see this. I hope it's out on DVD so I can rent it over the weekend.

Of course it's out on DVD. Practically everything is on DVD. It's a good movie, and it really doesn't deserve all the negative reviews it got back when it was released.

by ghostbusters2131

15 years, 7 months ago

I loved “BIG GUN” performed by AC/DC. Great tune.

by Addiemonster

15 years, 7 months ago

The scene where Slater's daughter is in the bedroom pretending to be assaulted, while in fact she's beating the ever-loving snot out of the henchman. Priceless.

Also, tar just wipes off with paper towels. I think my favorite part overall was just how convenient everything was in Jack Slaterland.

by GhostBusterCurtis

15 years, 7 months ago

when I first saw the film I thought wow if had a magic ticket like that I would do a lot of things.

the music was good and the plot was ok there where bit that where a little tack on and others that where funny when the other film mixed in and the parts where Arnold's line from other films and mixed up but other then that it a good film.

by fixer791

15 years, 7 months ago

I LOVED that movie. Went to see it twice in the theatre as a kid.
One of the first CD's I ever bought was its soundtrack, which got me into Metal. Great, great soundtrack!

Too bad they never made a sequel. That would've been GREAT!

“Rubber baby buggy bumpers!”

by Kingpin

15 years, 7 months ago

I think a sequel would've spoilt what made Last Action Hero enjoyable.

by Zombie

15 years, 7 months ago

I love this one to. I am a big fan of stories that deal with traveling between alternate universes. The whole concept of visiting fictional worlds was pretty clever and I always wanted to see it used more in a sequel. Stuff like the crooks using ACME dynamite and the Stallone Terminator gave me a good chuckle.

by fixer791

15 years, 7 months ago

I think a sequel would've spoilt what made Last Action Hero enjoyable.

I'm sure a lot of people thought the same thing about Ghostbusters sequel back in the day…

Neih, I don't think it would have spoilt anything…
I think it would've worked beautifully. Of course, we'll never know now

I remember playing the videogame on Game Boy quite a lot, too.
Not that it was that good, but since we didn't get the Last Action Hero toys out here, it was the only piece of merchandise I could get me mittens on. Except for the soundtrack of course.

I also remember having a crush on Schwarzenegger's daughter in the movie. Guess I'm not the only one.