Well, the last one I finished reading was The Chinatown Death Cloud Peril by Paul Malmont, a great read if you're into pulp writing.
However, I'm currently reading several books and or plays, if you will. These are the ones I'm reading on my own time, and not for class. Being a theater major, these shouldn't surprise anyone:
Never Have Your Dog Stuffed by Alan Alda (one of my GODS)
A Man's A Man & The Elephant Calf by Bertolt Brecht (they're two different plays, the English translations of couse, I was acutally in a performance of the latter last school year)
A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare (Although I'm quite familiar with the story, I've actually never read this one before)
And also for class I'm reading a lot of classical Greek tragedy, we recently read Prometheus Bound, Ion, The Oresteia, and Antigone.