Last Game You Finished

by JamesCGamora

14 years, 9 months ago

Zelda Orcarina of Time.


Loved Majora's Mask (think I may have been the only one who loved the “re-occurring 3 day's” theme of the game)

by zachary1998

14 years, 9 months ago


Loved Majora's Mask (think I may have been the only one who loved the “re-occurring 3 day's” theme of the game)
I loved that one too. I have it in collectors edition.

by JamesCGamora

14 years, 5 months ago

To get this started again:

Metroid: Other M. After playing this game the only Other M I can think of is my money, as in I want it back. While as I progressed further in the game my opinion of it lightened slightly.

The game seems more of a step back for the franchise instead of a step forward. It may be just me, but I personally see this game as further proof of Keiji Inafune statement about the Japanese Gaming Industry.

by bhunji

14 years, 5 months ago

I didn't know this thread existed…

Last game I finished was Broken Sword Directors Cut for the Wii.

by JamesCGamora

14 years, 5 months ago

and thus the reason for getting it going again

by ghostbusters2131

14 years, 5 months ago

Guitar Hero 5 for XBox 360.

Dead Space is causing me too much troubles at level 10th.

by ghost_buster_x

14 years, 5 months ago

the very last game i finished was grand theft auto 4

by Nix

14 years, 5 months ago

I'm playing Namco Collection for the ‘Cube.

I’m hooked on the Pac-Man games for some odd reason. I couldn't tell you why for the life of me.(*ray)

by heslimedme251

14 years, 5 months ago

Last game I finished was Dante's Inferno (or was it Splinter Cell Conviction? hmmm). Anyway, I loved Dante's Inferno. I'd heard alot of negative reviews of it and I didn't go in expecting much at all, but I really enjoyed it…it was fairly entertaining!

Splinter Cell Conviction on the other hand was dissappointing, I enjoyed the demo and thought I'd play the full thing. The game was short, fairly easy to complete and the storyline was very linear. No major twists and turns at all. Still a decent enough play, but I'm not overly thrilled with it.

by heslimedme251

14 years, 4 months ago

Just finished Dead Rising 2: Case Zero. Having never played the original game and not really knowing what to expect, this prelude to the sequel is actually pretty good. And for the price it is to download, it's good value for your money!

Anyway, just thought I'd remind any of you “SAY-GAH” fans that Sonic The Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 is available today. It's already available on XBOX Live. Not sure about PSN though. (Or you could grab it on WiiWare!)

I know what i'll be doing tonight!