Mimic (1997) An American Werewolf In London Drive Thru (2007) Scarface (1983) P2 (2007) District 9 The Thing (1982) Saw VII/3D (Unrated) Child's Play 2 Big Bad Wolf (2006)
by IgnatzKaspir
14 years ago
The King's Speech, which was fantastic. I wasn't quite aware of all the Academy Award nominations it was up for when I saw it, but afterwards it was easy to see why it got so many.
by GreenJeans
14 years ago
The Town Great Movie
by slimelord1
14 years ago
Silver Bullet Trespass The People Under The Stairs Maximum Overdrive Pet Sematary Pet Sematary II Creepshow Creepshow 2 August Underground
by PeterVenkmen
14 years ago
The Mummy (1999) The Green Hornet
by CrimsonGhostbuster
14 years ago
“Anvil: The Story of Anvil”. Really good movie about a Canadian heavy metal band. Lots of “aww” moments in it.
by slimelord1
14 years ago
My Bloody Valentine (1981) (Uncut)
by JamesCGamora
14 years ago
Pandorum (finally).
It was so-so. Though a good thrill movie, it was sorta mediocre on story. I also think the “big” revelation at the end was predictable almost 1/3 into the movie when the concept of Pandorum is introduced and explained.
by slimelord1
14 years ago
My Bloody Valentine (2009)
by ghstbstrlmliii1
14 years ago
Abbott and Costello meet Frankenstein. (A classic)