Last Movie You Watched

by JamesCGamora

13 years, 8 months ago

Slime Lord
The second movie is underrated. Not as good as the first, but still fun. The third one though is an abomination, doesn't deserve to bear the name.

Indeed. I very much liked the second one. Not as much as the first one mind you, but I liked it. But I identify myself as a Robocop fan so. The third one….I have no words for it beyond “What the fuck”

by slimelord1

13 years, 8 months ago

Indeed. I very much liked the second one. Not as much as the first one mind you, but I liked it. But I identify myself as a Robocop fan so. The third one….I have no words for it beyond “What the fuck”

Oh man, I hear you. I'm clueless as to how the third film turned out the way it did.

by ghostbusters2131

13 years, 8 months ago

Kung Fu Panda 2

Not as good as the first one, but visually, it takes the taco!

by slimelord1

13 years, 8 months ago

Batman Begins
The Dark Knight
Green Lantern (2011)

Watched BB and TDK yesterday, they always make for a great double feature. Saw Green Lantern today, enjoyed it very much. It has some flaws but it's still a fun ride.

by mrpecker2

13 years, 8 months ago

I just saw Green Lantern as well. It's not near as bad as the critics are making it out to be. For some reason they're just SLAMMING it. Comparing it to Ghost Rider and the worst movies ever made?!?

It has it's faults, but as a whole GL kept me entertained at the theater. Is that not enough for people these days? They just pick movies to the bone and try NOT to like them.

And what really baffles me is that people praise Iron Man as one of the best while they claim GL is one of the worst. IMO, GL and IM are on the same level with each other. Nothing especially deep, just a fun way to waste two hours….

by EgonSpengler86

13 years, 8 months ago

The last movie I watched was no country for old men. Spoiler

I didn't really like the ending. I hate that the bad guy gets away with everything. He has a compound fracture on his arm at the end but he'll probably live through it and kill even more people later. So unsatisfying.

by slimelord1

13 years, 8 months ago

mr pecker;171419
I just saw Green Lantern as well. It's not near as bad as the critics are making it out to be. For some reason they're just SLAMMING it. Comparing it to Ghost Rider and the worst movies ever made?!?

It has it's faults, but as a whole GL kept me entertained at the theater. Is that not enough for people these days? They just pick movies to the bone and try NOT to like them.

And what really baffles me is that people praise Iron Man as one of the best while they claim GL is one of the worst. IMO, GL and IM are on the same level with each other. Nothing especially deep, just a fun way to waste two hours….

I hear you. I thought GL was a fun movie. Did it have flaws? Sure did. But as a whole, it kept me entertained, it had more good things than bad and I left the theater feeling satisfied and like I spent $8 well.

by JamesCGamora

13 years, 8 months ago

I have yet to see GL so I am still keeping hopes up until I see it myself…but Iron Man was less about the story and more about the perfect casting job they did for Stark and Potts.

I don't think GL could say the same thing about Hal and Ferris. Obviously, I don't know since I haven't seen it yet.

by mrpecker2

13 years, 8 months ago

I have yet to see GL so I am still keeping hopes up until I see it myself…but Iron Man was less about the story and more about the perfect casting job they did for Stark and Potts.

I don't think GL could say the same thing about Hal and Ferris. Obviously, I don't know since I haven't seen it yet.

Reynolds as Hal wasn't actually so bad. Toward the beginning of the movie he's doing his usual smartass shtick, but he kinda changes as the movie progresses. There's also a funny line of dialogue about why the ring chose such a douchebag as the next lantern.

Lively as Carol is a different story. While she wasn't necessarily BAD, she wasn't very good either. Just kinda filler. That may have had something to do with the material they were working with, though. The story and characters could have definitely used some work.

Sarsgaard as Hector Hammond was great. I've heard many people ragging on his performance, but I thought he gave the character a creepy, sleazy kind of vibe. He was no Ledger as the Joker, but more of a creepo that you wouldn't want your kids around…

by ghstbstrlmliii1

13 years, 8 months ago

I saw Green Lantern as well. I'd agree with what most people here have said. It had its flaws but I sat there entertained for two hours. Personally, I liked Reynolds as Hal. I thought he did a pretty good job.